10. Rivers don’t stop at the state line. Nor does the Council. Your gift fights pollution and other threats to the Connecticut River and 148 tributaries in Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Connecticut.

9. You can help us finish New England’s longest paddling trail so it stretches 410 miles from Source to Sea.

8. The future of 175 miles of the river is at stake in the relicensing of five major hydropower facilities. You can help to make the most of this a once-in-a-generation opportunity.

7. We’re in for stronger storms and wetter weather. You can help local communities to prepare for climate change.

6. You’ll feel better. Studies show that people who donate to charity are happier than those who don’t.

5. You can help young people learn about their environment with innovative outdoor programs for students.

4. You can help to provide boaters and swimmers with up-to-date information on the river’s cleanliness at 110 popular swimming and boating spots on the Connecticut River and its tributaries.

3. There are tons of trash in our rivers. With your help, thousands of volunteers will show up on September 26 & 27 for the Source to Sea Cleanup to make our rivers safer for wildlife and people.

2. A watershed council membership is just as vital a piece of gear as the right life vest, fishing pole, or engine for your boat – don’t leave home without one!

1. Fish and wildlife can’t join the Council – but you can!

And when you join the Connecticut River Watershed Council by June 30th, you’ll have a chance to win your choice of an afternoon paddling with me or your local river steward; the Connecticut River Boating Guide; or a CRC cap

Click here to join now!