Greenfield, MA September 22nd, 2011 – More than 1,500 volunteers in four states will fan out on Saturday October 1st to clean up trash and flood-strewn debris along the Connecticut River and its tributaries.
The Connecticut River Watershed Council’s 15th Annual Source to Sea Cleanup – always held in early fall – comes at a perfect time to help communities in Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Connecticut that are still cleaning up from Tropical Storm Irene.
“It’s not too late to join one of our 50 registered groups by going to our website,,” said Jacqueline Talbot, CRC’s Cleanup Coordinator. “If you don’t find a good match or want to go out on your own, just download our trash tally form and let us know what you picked up.”
“The flood inflicted great losses on many communities and also caused great harm to river habitats and species,” said Talbot. “Joining the Cleanup is helping your neighbors put their lives back together and improving shoreline habitats and water quality in our rivers and streams.”
For the past 14 years, the Watershed Council has organized thousands of adults and children volunteers who have removed more than 650 tons of refuse from along waterways in four states during the biggest single-day river cleanup in New England. CRC coordinates the work of individual groups and supplies them with bags and gloves.
“Be sure and register in the next few days so we can be sure and get you supplies and other information in enough time to make your participation a success,” Talbot said. Questions may be directed to her at or 860-704-0057.
“Above all, we want people to be safe,” Talbot said. “In some places, unstable piles of trees and debris are all tangled up together. If group leaders have questions about safety, they should consult their local fire department or highway department and only tackle areas that are not dangerous.”
“If you can’t actually get out and lend a hand in the field, you can help us meet the greater challenge this year with a cash donation that will go directly to the Cleanup effort,” Talbot said. Interested donors may go to and donate to CRC to help cover the costs of this year’s massive Cleanup.
Founded in 1952 and based in Greenfield, MA, the CRC advocates for clean water and fisheries protection in the 11,000 square miles of Connecticut River watershed in Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Connecticut.
The Cleanup is supported by major sponsorship by NRG Energy’s Milddletown Station, TransCanada, Lane Construction, the Metropolitan District Commission, and Covanta.

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Jacqueline Talbot, Cleanup Coordinator and River Steward in CT: 860-704-0057
Richard Ewald, CRC Planning & Dev. Director 413-772-2020 ext 206