Pomfret, VT – This week the Connecticut River Conservancy (CRC) announced that 6,412 native trees and shrubs have been planted along 12,500 feet of riverfront land on 10 different rivers in Vermont and New Hampshire this spring. The plantings, which are all on privately owned land, will help reduce erosion, improve clean water, and increase fish and wildlife habitat in the Connecticut River watershed.

In addition, these spring plantings have helped local businesses in these difficult times — including the Intervale Conservation Nursery, New England Wetland Plants, NorthWoods Stewardship Center, and Redstart Natural Resource Management – by injecting $60,000 into the local communities.  “We are so glad for this opportunity to get back out into the field after being cooped up for so long,” said Meghann Carter, Conservation Science Director at NWSC.  “NorthWoods is proud to work alongside the Connecticut River Conservancy to help our local rivers.”

The plantings were done in accordance with each state’s guidance on outdoor work as well as newly adopted health and safety guidelines for the planting crews. Ben Machin, a Partner at Redstart, noted that “we greatly appreciate the chance to work with CRC to get these important restoration projects completed. Nothing expresses hopefulness like planting trees and shrubs in the spring.”

CRC and these partners planted the trees and shrubs in Haverhill, NH on Clark Brook; in Dummerston, VT on Crosby Brook; Grafton, VT on the Saxton’s River; Springfield, VT on Carly Brook; Weathersfield, VT on the Black River; Norwich, VT on Bloody Brook; Bradford, VT on the Connecticut River; Strafford and Thetford, VT on the Ompompanoosuc River; and Barnet, VT on the Stevens River.  CRC received funding from numerous sources to purchase the trees and hire the planting crews, including the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the State of Vermont Clean Water Fund, the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, the PUR Projet and CRC individual donors.

CRC is doing their part to help local economies recover by accelerating work on the many restoration projects they have identified over the last several years. With the right kind of stimulus funding CRC can remove eight more dams and do more than 50 other restoration projects in the next 24 months. These projects will funnel millions of dollars of stimulus funding to local engineering firms, nurseries, construction companies, planting crews and more.

Since Tropical Storm Irene ravaged the watershed in 2011, CRC has planted more than 47,660 native trees and shrubs along rivers in the four-state Connecticut River basin (NH, VT, MA & CT).  CRC collaborates with partners across four states to protect and advocate for your rivers, to educate and engage communities. CRC brings people together to prevent pollution, improve habitat, and promote enjoyment of your river and its tributary streams. Healthy rivers support healthy economies. To learn more about CRC, or to join the effort and help protect our rivers visit ctriver.org.
