Middletown, CT – The Connecticut River Conservancy (CRC) would like to thank Goodwin College for their help cleaning up an abandoned fuel tank along the banks of the Connecticut River in East Hartford, CT. Particular recognition goes to Bryant Harrell, Sr. and Bryant Harrell, Jr. at Goodwin College and their contractor JM Ladd Construction. CRC had been working for years, as part of their annual Source to Sea River Cleanup, to find help in cleaning up this large piece of trash.

The 12′ long 3′ high tank was full of sediment, making it extremely heavy. Goodwin College was developing a riverfront path near where the tank was washed up. With no hesitation they had their contractor, JM Ladd Construction, cut it open and haul it away while finishing the walking path in late November.

“We’re thrilled to finally see this large tank cleaned up. It was a hazard both to the environment and to the safety of river users,” says CRC River Steward, Kelsey Wentling. “Unfortunately, there’s more to do.” CRC still needs help to remove a number of other large items clogging and polluting our rivers in Connecticut. A collapsed oil off-load platform in Hartford is becoming increasingly unstable, with untold impacts on the river if it becomes dislodged. Additionally, an abandoned fiberglass boat is stuck on the banks of the river, creating another recreational nuisance and environmental risk. If you or someone you know can help assess and remove these large river hazards, please contact the Connecticut River Conservancy.

Connecticut River Conservancy seeks help to remove this collapsed oil platform and other large hazards from the Connecticut River.

CRC’s annual Source to Sea Cleanup is a two-day river cleanup coordinated by CRC in all four states of the 410-mile Connecticut River basin (NH, VT, MA, CT). Each fall, thousands of volunteers clean the Connecticut River and its tributaries on foot or by boat. Volunteers remove trash along rivers, streams, parks, boat launches, trails, and more. This annual event, now in its 23rd year, has grown into one of the largest river cleanups in the country. This year, over 3,600 volunteers removed nearly 67 tons of trash from in and near our rivers. The Source to Sea Cleanup included nearly 40 groups from the Connecticut region, including local river and conservation groups; elementary, high school, and college students; Girl and Boy Scouts; and many employee volunteer groups from local businesses.

“Source to Sea Cleanup volunteers’ hard work and dedication is inspiring and makes a real difference for our rivers,” continues Wentling. “But our work isn’t done until we put ourselves out of the river clean-up business.” While the two-day Cleanup event is over for this year, CRC continues their work on trash pollution year-round. You can get involved to help out at ctriver.org/takeaction

Connecticut River Conservancy is the voice for the Connecticut River watershed, from source to sea. They collaborate with partners across four states to protect and advocate for your rivers and educate and engage communities. CRC brings people together to prevent pollution, improve habitat, and promote enjoyment of your river and its tributary streams. Healthy rivers support healthy economies. To learn more about CRC, or to join the effort and help protect our rivers, visit ctriver.org.

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