Earth Day – and Earth Month in April – is the time of year when nature awakens after the slumber of winter and our field season begins to have the greatest possible impact for the Connecticut River watershed. Whether you’re taking small steps to support your local environment, or you’re ready to get your hands dirty for cleaner rivers, we have several ways to get involved.

We have a range of events throughout the month that are in-person or virtual providing opportunities to learn and connect.

See All Events

Make a contribution of any amount to support our work, including restoration, water quality monitoring, advocacy, dam removal, and more.

Give A Gift

Trash is a big issue in our rivers and you can organize a group of any size to clean up a stretch of beach near you. Here’s a summary of steps.

Start Organizing

As you venture out to enjoy the great outdoors this month, share your river experience by using #RiverWitness and tagging @ctriverconservancy on Instagram. We’ll be on the lookout to share your photos all month long.

Show the beauty of your favorite river spot or tributary, or use this opportunity to document the not-so-pretty side of pollution to raise awareness for the importance of conservation.

Social Stories

Here are even more ways to be involved!

If you’d like to read up on the local issues, our news page covers a range of updates including water quality research, education about local habitats and species, comment submissions to state agencies, and more. You can also sign up for our newsletter to be more informed about river-related news throughout the watershed in NH, VT, MA, and CT in your inbox.

Report a trash site in your town if you observe an area that could use a cleanup.

Looking ahead beyond Earth Day to volunteer with us? We’ll have many community science activities throughout the summer.

If you’re a business, consider becoming a Source to Sea Cleanup sponsor.

All Upcoming Events Are Listed Below