Join us to enjoy rivers at these in-person and virtual gatherings. Engage with CRC’s efforts to restore, protect, and enhance our waterways! Events are added throughout the year and revised as needed.

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Each year, volunteers unearth dozens, even hundreds of illegally dumped tires in our rivers during CRC’s annual Source to Sea Cleanup. While the scope of the issue can be daunting, there are tried and true methods for reducing and eliminating illegal tire dumping. Join us to explore both the impacts of illegal tire dumping, as well as how you can be a part of the solution.

Tom Metzner, Environmental Analyst at CT Department of Environmental Protection, and Terri Goldberg, Executive Director at Northeast Waste Management Officials’ Association, will provide expertise on the health & environmental impacts of illegal tire dumping, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) on tires in CT and throughout the region; Connecticut River Conservancy River Stewards – Kelsey Wentling, Andrea Donlon and Kathy Urffer – will share what CRC is doing to address the tire problem. We invite you to join the dialogue.

Register here to receive the zoom link.


About LiveStream: CRC brings your rivers to you! Join CRC staff and partners for a series of live lunchtime presentations, happening on scheduled Wednesdays, Noon-1pm. You get to learn more about the rivers you love, ask questions, and interact with a river-loving community all from the comfort and safety of your home (or wherever you may be). CRC’s Live Stream will be hosted via Zoom. Please register for each presentation to receive meeting information.

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