Join us to enjoy rivers at these in-person and virtual gatherings. Engage with CRC’s efforts to restore, protect, and enhance our waterways! Events are added throughout the year and revised as needed.

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It’s time to pull together — help us remove the invasive water chestnut from our waterways

The Jonah Center is looking for paddlers to help save the Floating Meadows (Mattabesset River) in Middletown from invasive water chestnut. This is a fun, satisfying activity — combining paddling, teamwork, enjoying beautiful scenery and wildlife. We are looking for 20-30 volunteer paddlers on each of the 4 Saturday mornings, 9-11 a.m. We launch from and return to the canoe and kayak launch near the Middletown transfer station. 

This is a partnership with the Connecticut River Conservancy (CRC) who handles registration, disposes of the plants through composting, and provides other assistance and leadership. CRC summer employees go out each Saturday morning, not just the bi-weekly ones listed here.

Paddlers need to provide their own kayak or canoe and wear a life jacket. Paddlers should also wear a hat, use sunscreen, and have water with you. It is highly recommended that paddlers also subscribe to the Jonah Center newsletter so that we can reach you in case of a weather-related change of plans. (If a paddle is cancelled, it is often held the next day, Sunday, if weather permits.)

COVID: We ask that paddlers stay home if they’re sick, recently tested positive (within the last 10 days) or have been in close proximity with someone who has COVID.

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