Join us to enjoy rivers at these in-person and virtual gatherings. Engage with CRC’s efforts to restore, protect, and enhance our waterways! Events are added throughout the year and revised as needed.

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Plastics are always among the most found trash items during CRC’s annual Source to Sea Cleanup. Join us to explore our relationship to plastics – from microplastics and plastic trash in our waterways to the ways Covid-19 has impacted our plastic use. We’ll look at what CRC is doing locally, what’s happening regionally across our four rivers states, and discuss long-term solutions to prevent our rivers from getting trashed in the first place. Hear from Kirstie Pecci/Jon Hite from Conservation Law Foundation-Zero Waste and Melissa Gates of Surfrider 

Please register here to get your zoom link.


About LiveStream: CRC brings your rivers to you! Join CRC staff and partners for a series of live lunchtime presentations, happening on scheduled Wednesdays, Noon-1pm. You get to learn more about the rivers you love, ask questions, and interact with a river-loving community all from the comfort and safety of your home (or wherever you may be). CRC’s Live Stream will be hosted via Zoom. Please register for each presentation to receive meeting information.