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LiveStream S2, Ep6: Endangered Shortnose Sturgeon in the Connecticut River

Sturgeons are among the oldest of living fishes. Human activity has contributed to population declines among all sturgeon species. One of the remaining reproducing populations of the smaller shortnose sturgeon resides in the Connecticut River. Although conservation and clean water legislation has helped, the Connecticut River shortnose sturgeon population still endures challenges due to habitat loss and water regulation. Join Micah Kieffer, Research Fishery Biologist from the Conte Anadromous Fish Research Laboratory, and CRC staff to learn what can be done and how research is contributing to the protection of these unique living fossils.


About LiveStream: CRC brings your rivers to you! Join CRC staff and partners for a series of live lunchtime presentations, on select Wednesdays from Noon-1pm. You get to learn more about the rivers you love, ask questions, and interact with a river-loving community all from the comfort and safety of your home (or wherever you may be). LiveStream will be hosted via Zoom. Please register for each presentation to receive meeting information.

See past, present and future events in our LiveStream series. Check out CRC’s Events Calendar to learn about other upcoming events.

Photo courtesy Micah Kieffer