Join us to enjoy rivers at these in-person and virtual gatherings. Engage with CRC’s efforts to restore, protect, and enhance our waterways! Events are added throughout the year and revised as needed.

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Connecticut River Conservancy (CRC) and Gateway City Arts invite you to a Clean Water Café and screening of CRC’s short film “Source to Sea Journey.” Join a roundtable discussion sparked by the film with invited speakers: Andrea Donlon, CRC River Steward; Yoni Glogower, City of Holyoke Director of Conservation & Sustainability; Stephanie Moore, Director of Holyoke Rows; and Cynthia Espinosa, City of Holyoke Senior Project Manager, Planning and Economic Development.

The film follows CRC Executive Director Andy Fisk and his wife Karen as they travel the length of the Connecticut River, following the journey made by CRC’s leaders in 1959. It celebrates all the progress made for our rivers and highlights the important work still to be done.

Share your passion about and concerns for your rivers. Learn steps you can take to be an advocate and river steward. We welcome your ideas, questions, comments, and stories. If you love our rivers, please join us and bring a friend!

Light snacks provided. Cash bar.