Join us to enjoy rivers at these in-person and virtual gatherings. Engage with CRC’s efforts to restore, protect, and enhance our waterways! Events are added throughout the year and revised as needed.

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Join CRC and fellow CT Episcopalians for a Choose Your Own River Adventure day. Optional picnic and worship to follow.

Adventures include:

9:00 a.m. Paddle — Meet Bishop Douglas and Steve MacAusland of St. Ann’s, Old Lyme, for a paddle from the boat launch at Riverside Park. You may bring your own canoe or kayak to launch. You may also arrange in advance with Metacomet Canoe and Kayak and they will have a boat, together with life jackets and paddles, there for you to use that day. (If you need financial assistance to rent a boat, you may contact Bishop Douglas directly: Please note that this is not for novice paddlers; no instruction will be offered.

10:00 a.m. Walk the riverside with Brett Morrison of Connecticut River Conservancy. He’ll lead a walk south from the park and then you may either walk back on your own, explore the Lincoln sculpture walk, or join him on the loop up the east side of the river — about 4 or 5 miles –to return to the park.

10:00 a.m. Tree planting – Volunteers will plant 2 large trees in Riverside Park to help replace mature trees that had to be removed. This activity will be led by the chair of Hartford’s Tree Advisory Commission and will include an opportunity to learn the how and why of proper tree planting. Although this activity will require some healthy adults, there will be opportunities for children and youth to participate. You are encouraged to bring shovels, rakes, and gloves, although some tools will be provided.

OR Make Your Own Adventure exploring Riverside Park and the Connecticut River.

12:30 p.m. Worship

1:00 p.m. Bring your own picnic lunch

Riverside Park is dog and child friendly. Port-a-potties are available.

Masks required outdoors when we are not maintaining a 6 foot distance from each other.

Rain or high water cancels

Select from 4 ticket options: Please order one ticket per person attending

Kayaking/Canoeing; Hiking the riverbank; planting trees; making your own adventure