Greenfield, MA— The People’s Pint Brewery and the Connecticut River Watershed Council (CRC) are partnering to raise awareness of the shortnose sturgeon with a new beer, the Shortnose Stout. The shortnose sturgeon are an endangered fish that live and reproduce in the Connecticut River. You can learn more about this fish at CRC’s open house on Wednesday, March 25 from 4-6pm at 15 Bank Row, Greenfield and at People’s Pint uncorking celebration on Friday, March 27 from 4-6pm at their pub on Federal Street, Greenfield. Both events are free and open to the public.

“Sturgeon coexisted with dinosaurs,” notes Dr. Boyd Kynard, a local researcher on migratory fish and Connecticut River shortnose sturgeon for 30 years, “so having shortnose sturgeon living in the Connecticut River is biologically special. Our Connecticut River shortnose was greatly diminished by 19th and 20th Century damming, but today, federal and state agencies are involved in improving the survival for the few shortnose that remain in the river.”

CRC works all along the 410+ mile Connecticut River basin to protect our rivers and fish. “Over the years, we’ve created many obstacles for migratory fish to overcome as they return to our rivers from the ocean,” says CRC Executive Director Andrew Fisk. “But there has also been lots of great work throughout New England to remove those obstacles and make our rivers more fish-friendly. Thanks to the support of our members and many great partners, we have been working on projects to benefit fish all along the Connecticut River basin.” Recent projects include installing a fish ladder that opened last spring on the Rogers Lake Dam on Mill Brook in Connecticut, removing two deadbeat dams on the upper Wells River in Vermont, and planting over 8,700 trees and shrubs along streams to reduce erosion and improve fish habitat.

“Brewing the Shortnose Stout, and working with the Connecticut River Watershed Council, is a great opportunity to make a real difference with the beer we brew here at The Peoples Pint,” notes Chris Sellers, People’s Pint brewer. “I am very excited to continue to use our brewery and restaurant as a platform and a tool to raise awareness of issues affecting both our local environment and our local community. So join us at The Peoples Pint, or buy a bottle at your local package store, and raise a glass of Shortnose Stout to helping increase awareness about improving the health of our local waterways and all the species who reside in them. Cheers!” Shortnose Stout is a traditional Dry Irish Stout. It has a light body with hints of caramel followed by a deep, roasted finish. A percentage of the proceeds from the sale of this beer go to The Connecticut River Watershed Council.

The Connecticut River Watershed Council works to protect the watershed from source to sea. As stewards of this heritage, we celebrate our four-state treasure and collaborate, educate, organize, restore and intervene to preserve its health for generations to come. Our work informs our vision of economic and ecological abundance. To learn more about CRC, or to join the effort and help protect our rivers, visit or call 413-772-2020, ext. 201.
