Pomfret, Vermont – The Connecticut River Conservancy (CRC) will continue its dam removal and river restoration work this summer by removing an old dam and replacing a perched culvert on a small tributary to Mill Brook in Perkinsville, VT. The dam and culvert, which are located on private property, are blocking fish from moving upstream and sediment movement downstream, as well as impairing water quality.

Thanks to funding from the State of Vermont Ecosystem Restoration Program and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, CRC hired Stone Environmental of Montpelier, VT to complete the engineering design and permitting. The concrete dam and perched culvert were listed in Vermont’s Watershed Projects Database and therefore eligible for state clean water funding.

CRC, Stone Environmental, and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge will begin the dam removal and culvert replacement project on July 27, with a two- or three-week construction period anticipated.  Once the dam is gone and the perched culvert has been replaced with a new bridge, fish and wildlife can move freely upstream and natural flows will help transport sediment downstream, and water quality will improve.

This will be CRC’s thirteenth dam removal in the Vermont and New Hampshire portion of the Connecticut River watershed since 2014. This work has resulted in improved water quality, sediment transport, flood resiliency and safety, as well as nearly 350 miles of stream habitat opened for fish and wildlife.

Since 1952, Connecticut River Conservancy has been the voice for the Connecticut River watershed, from source to sea. They collaborate with partners across four states to protect and advocate for your rivers and educate and engage communities. They bring people together to prevent pollution, improve habitat, and promote enjoyment of your river and its tributary streams. Healthy rivers support healthy economies. To learn more about CRC, or to make a contribution to help protect your rivers, visit ctriver.org.
