January 22, 2016


Janet Deshais

U.S. EPA – Region 1

5 Post Office Square, Suite 100 (OEP06-1)

Boston MA 02109-3912


Subject:           Holyoke Water Pollution Control Facility draft NPDES Permit

Permit Number: MA0101630, Public notice MA-002-16



Dear Ms. Deshais,


I am submitting comments on the draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for the Holyoke Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) on behalf the Connecticut River Watershed Council (CRC).  The Connecticut River, an American Heritage River and America’s only National Blueway, is a regional resource that merits the highest level of protection.  The Connecticut River downstream of the Holyoke Dam is listed as an impaired water body due to priority organics, pathogens, and total suspended solids.  CRC is particularly interested in improving water quality in the Connecticut River so that it can support existing primary and secondary contact uses, even during wet weather.  CRC believes that the Connecticut River can meet Class B water quality during wet weather and be made safe for swimming, if state and federal regulators work aggressively with other stakeholders to ensure compliance with Clean Water Act goals.


Our comments are below.



Thank you for an opportunity to comment on this draft permit for the Holyoke WPCF.





Andrea F. Donlon

River Steward


cc:        Bill Fuqua, Holyoke DPW

Brian Harrington, MassDEP

Betsey Wingfield, CT DEEP