Jacqueline Talbot, Cleanup Coordinator and CT River Steward, 860-704-0057

Angela Mrozinski, CRC Outreach Coordinator, 413-772-2020 ext 204


Greenfield, MA August 14, 2012 – Low river levels due to a hot, dry summer have revealed large amounts of trash and debris in and along rivers. Have you walked along a river or stream bank recently and found discarded cans and plastic bottles, fast food containers or other trash spoiling a beautiful natural place?  If so, the Connecticut River Watershed Council (CRC) wants to know. The conservation group is asking all watershed residents to report trash sites in need of cleaning up by logging onto its website at There you can also sign up for the 16th annual Source to Sea Cleanup on Saturday September 29th and join thousands of other volunteers across New England combating trash problems in their towns.

Anyone who has a trash tip should contact CRC at or by calling 860-704-0057. Registration is also open for the 2012 Source to Sea Cleanup. All ages and abilities are welcome. Individuals can work solo, start a group or join an existing group by visiting Businesses are also encouraged to get involved by starting a volunteer cleanup group, making a donation of cleanup supplies such as gloves and trash bags, or by becoming a sponsor.

“Source to Sea Cleanup volunteers have worked hard to combat litter and illegally dumped trash,” says Jacqueline Talbot, River Steward and organizer of the Cleanup. “We really appreciate the hard work of all 66 groups who participated in the cleanup in 2011 including groups from watershed associations, trail groups, businesses, scouts, students/teachers, and municipalities. In the past 15 years, our volunteers have pulled over 707 tons of trash from the Connecticut River and its tributaries.

“But the trash keeps showing up.  Removing it helps keep precious water resources clean and our natural spaces safe for families and wildlife.  It’s a big watershed, so we rely on people to let us know about the problem spots. We may not be able to get to all of them this year, but we’ll work with local residents and agencies to get to as many as possible.”

Last year’s call for site suggestions yielded many sites in need of cleanup, much like a 2010 tip about a massive tire dump in Hadley, Massachusetts. (See photos and photo caption below.) Based on this information, CRC worked with state officials and the tires were removed.

Lead sponsors for CRC’s 2012 Cleanup are NRG Middletown Power and TransCanada.

The Connecticut River Watershed Council has been a nonprofit advocate for the 11,000 square-mile watershed of the Connecticut River since 1952 and is proud to celebrate 60 years of hard work for the river this year.

Photos Below:  Aerial photographer Richard Shephard knew CRC was looking for Cleanup trash sites in 2010 when he spotted this massive tire dump (left).  He notified CRC of his find and the State of Massachusetts moved in to clean it up (right).  (Photo credits: Richard Shephard, left; CRC, right)