Formerly the CT River Watershed Council|
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About Kathy Urffer

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So far Kathy Urffer has created 60 blog entries.

VT Needs to Plan for Climate Resiliency Now!

As River Steward for Connecticut River Conservancy, I can’t stop thinking about rivers.  Since the 2011 Tropical Storm Irene, as an organization we have been racing to get projects done to protect communities before the next big flood. Projects like berm removals that allow our rivers to access floodplains so they can slow down and dissipate the energy of flood waters, projects like the removal of deadbeat dams – all of which are no longer in use and have been blocking our rivers for years - that will lower the flood stage when they are out of the way, projects like planting trees along rivers to help slow the energy of floodwaters and provide a healthy forested buffer for flood waters to infiltrate.

By |February 14th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |

Flood Mud: Improving Flood Sediment Management

Vermont experienced catastrophic flooding in July 2023. Given that these floods are expected to become more frequent and severe with climate change, effective response and recovery measures are becoming increasingly important. Sediment deposition was an overlooked impact of the floods, despite the fact that many areas in Vermont were left covered in feet of mud after flood waters receded.

By |January 12th, 2024|
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