
Angela Mrozinski, CRC Outreach & Events Director, 413-772-2020 ext.204

Ron Rhodes, CRC North Country River Steward, 802-457-6114


River Celebration & Solstice Paddle at Path of Life Garden

Greenfield, MA – On Saturday, June 20, the Connecticut River Watershed Council (CRC) will host their annual River Celebration in Windsor, VT. The free event will be held at the Path of Life Garden, on the banks of the Connecticut River, from 9am-3pm. The Garden, located at Artisans Park near Harpoon Brewery, Simon Pearce glassworks outlet and Great River Outfitters, is a 14-acre site with trails and sculptures. RSVP and full event details can be found at

“There are so many reasons to celebrate the Connecticut River,” notes CRC Executive Director Andrew Fisk. “We love getting to know the many people who cherish New England’s largest river. It’s wonderful to gather and enjoy our rivers together.” The event draws attendees from across the four watershed states. All who love our rivers, near and far, are encouraged to attend this free event. For those coming from afar, Snapdragon Inn in Windsor, VT is offering a 20% room discount to event participants. Reservations must be made through the Inn and mention CRC for the discount.

Willem Lange is the featured speaker. Lange is an outdoor enthusiast, Emmy award-winning host of NH Public Television’s “Windows to the Wild,” commentator for VT Public Radio and VT Public Television, and writes a weekly newspaper column, “A Yankee Notebook.”

The Celebration will kick off with a Summer Solstice paddle. Paddlers can bring their own boats or rent from Great River Outfitters; mention CRC for a discount rate. Those not interested in an on-river adventure can join CRC River Stewards and avid anglers for fly-casting and fly-tying demonstrations in the Garden.

A picnic lunch, provided in part by Harpoon Brewery, follows the morning activities. Participants are also welcome to bring their own picnic lunch. Live music provided by Rise! a NH-based American Roots string band. The Bud Foster Award will be presented to Barbara Skuly of New Hampshire, a well-deserving conservationist in the region.

The event wraps up with an ice cream social, provided by Snow’s Premium Ice Cream, and raffle drawings for Ibex, LLBean, and Simon Pearce products and more. A 2:30pm private tour of Harpoon Brewery is offered to the first 30 people to sign up at the event. Additional brewery tours are available throughout the day for $5.

River Celebration 2015 celebrates the nationally-recognized Connecticut River watershed and the people who help protect it. This annual event is held at notable locations up and down the Connecticut River. To RSVP or for a full schedule of activities, visit

The Connecticut River Watershed Council works to protect the watershed from source to sea. As stewards of this heritage, we celebrate our four-state treasure and collaborate, educate, organize, restore and intervene to preserve its health for generations to come. Our work informs our vision of economic and ecological abundance. To learn more about CRC, or to join the effort and help protect our rivers, visit


Path Of Life Garden-aerial