Pomfret, VT, March 22, 2013 – Residents of New Hampshire, Vermont and beyond can celebrate World Water Day by supporting river restoration projects in the Connecticut River watershed. March 22nd was designated World Water Day by the United Nations in 1993 as a day to highlight water issues around the world. The theme for the 2013 World Water Day is Water Cooperation.

Five projects, all listed on the crowd funding website www.CleanWaterFuture.org, will help restore local streams and rivers.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for people to cooperate to fund local projects.  Jointly, small donations will have a meaningful impact,” says CRC executive director Andrew Fisk. “In just decades, the Connecticut went from a maligned waterway to a symbol of renewal and most recently the nation’s first ‘Blueway.’ However, there is more work to be done and you can help!”

Three projects are located on the White River in Vermont, while two others are in New Hampshire. The Vermont projects, located in the towns of Sharon, South Royalton and Stockbridge, are sponsored by the White River Partnership and focus on restoring streamside vegetation and fish passage at sites damaged during flooding from Tropical Storm Irene. The New Hampshire projects, located on Mink Brook in Etna and on the main stem of the Connecticut River in Piermont, are sponsored by the Connecticut River Watershed Council (CRC) and focus on improving water quality and controlling invasive species.

CRC hopes World Water Day will help raise awareness about the fact that 11% of the world’s population does not have safe water to use. We are fortunate in northern New England to be blessed with an abundance of extraordinary and beautiful rivers – the Connecticut River being the largest. These five local projects provide and improve clean water, fish and wildlife habitat, scenic beauty, erosion control and flood protection, recreational use and more.

Every dollar helps improve the Connecticut River watershed from source to sea. Make an investment on World Water Day by visiting www.CleanWaterFuture.org.

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Andrew Fisk, Executive Director, afisk@ctriver.org, 413-772-2020 ext.208, 413-210-9207 (cell)