Join us to enjoy rivers at these in-person and virtual gatherings. Engage with CRC’s efforts to restore, protect, and enhance our waterways! Events are added throughout the year and revised as needed.

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Bridge photo credit: Jeff Feldman

CRC is excited to partner with Riverfront Recapture and Recanopy Project to restore and replant Hartford’s floodplain in Riverside Park. Over the last several years, this area of floodplain forest has seen a steady loss of mature trees; this project will help to restore the floodplain with young, native trees, in addition to capturing stormwater runoff and carbon dioxide.

Join us at 3pm at the Riverfront Recapture boathouse in Riverside Park. From there, we will walk north, where the trees will be planted. The event will take roughly 3 hours but could take more or less time depending on volunteer turnout. All supplies will be provided, but please bring work clothing, water and any other items you may need.

This project was made possible by a grant provided by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Division of Forestry and was funded through Connecticut’s participation in carbon dioxide allowances auctions conducted as part of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.