Greenfield, MA June 21, 2012  —  The Connecticut River Watershed Council, a conservation group based in Greenfield, MA, has announced that it is extending the deadline for song submissions to July, 15, 2012  for its Tropical Storm Irene benefit concert. Original songs, inspired by Irene’s flooding,  will be featured in a “Goodnight Irene” concert to be held at Memorial Hall at Deerfield Academy, Deerfield, MA at 7pm on Tuesday, August 28, 2012, the first anniversary of the storm.

This will be the 4th in a series of “Living Along The River” concerts produced for CRC by Greenfield songwriters Pat and Tex LaMountain.

According to Pat, who is CRC’s Finance Director, ” Our communities are still reeling and recovering from the effects of the devastation, and our wounds are still on the mend.  There are stories to be told, and crafting them into a song is a fine way to bring them forward and hopefully help us all make peace with the personal and economic consequences of the flooding”.  

Songs are coming in from Western Massachusetts, Central and Southern Vermont, and even one from a “valley native”  living in Maryland. “We are giving writers a bit more time to let the inspiration grab hold and to fine tune their efforts... songs take time to evolve,” adds Tex.    One local writer commented that he was finding it difficult to approach the subject with his “usual sense of humor”.    One of our favorite lines so far is ” I’d like to trust the rain again”.    

We are fortunate to be presenting these songs at Deerfield’s “large auditorium” and extend our welcome to residents of the watershed and beyond. Proceeds from the concert will help underwrite CRC’s annual Source To Sea Cleanup, to be held on Saturday, September 29, 2012.  

If you know of a story that could be told, and need help weaving it into a song, we may be able to help.

To learn more go to