An interactive river adventure and scavenger hunt

 Do you love exploring and learning about our rivers? If so, Quest2018 is for you! Back by popular demand, Connecticut River Conservancy’s (CRC) revamped Quest2018 will take you on a new river adventure with your health and well-being in mind. It’s an interactive, online and smartphone-based scavenger hunt that invites participants to explore the entire four-state length of our great Connecticut River basin searching for clues. From July 1 through August 31, CRC invites the public to join in the fun. Visit for prizes and details.

Quest2018 is an engaging and healthy way to get you moving and sample all the wonderful things that our rivers offer us. The river adventure contains an impressive list of 35+ things to find, see and do from the source of the river near the Canadian border, all the way down to the mouth of the river at Long Island Sound. Quest2018 participants can earn points by taking a selfie at each adventure along the way. There are also quiz questions that test your river health knowledge, which can be completed from the comfort of your home. The more items you check off the Quest2018 list, the more likely you’ll be to win a great prize at the end! But the real prize is the wonderful experiences you’ll have all summer long with your friends and family enjoying our beautiful rivers.

“The Quest provides a terrific summertime project for an eight-year old and her parent who’ve both learned a lot about history, the Valley’s natural facts and attractions, and more,” notes a past Quest participant.

Sign up for Quest2018 from CRC’s website, and you’ll get instructions to download a free app on your Smartphone. The rest of this choose-your-own-adventure is up to you! Questers are encouraged to share photos of their Quest on CRC’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages. Tag Connecticut River Conservancy and use the hashtag #MyCTRiver.

Connecticut River Conservancy is the voice for the Connecticut River watershed, from source to sea. They collaborate with partners across four states to protect and advocate for your rivers and educate and engage communities. CRC brings people together to prevent pollution, improve habitat, and promote enjoyment of your river and its tributary streams. Healthy rivers support healthy economies.

To learn more about CRC, or to join the effort and help protect our rivers, visit
