Quest65: An interactive river adventure in the form of a scavenger hunt!

Greenfield, MA—Do you love traveling, exploring new areas, finding interesting objects? If so, Quest 65 is for you! The Connecticut River Conservancy (CRC), formerly Connecticut River Watershed Council, has developed a Smartphone-based scavenger hunt to honor the organization’s 65 year history of working for our rivers. What better way to celebrate than by highlighting all the wonderful things that our rivers offer us! From June 15 through October 15, 2017 CRC invites the public to join Quest 65: A River Adventure.

Quest65 contains an impressive list of 65+ things to find, see and do from the source of the river near the Canadian border, all the way down to the mouth of the river at Long Island Sound. They want you to visit river museums and historic sites; travel by river ferry, river boat or riverside train; see beautiful river art and bridges; swim, boat or picnic on the river; explore the rare riverfront castle and so much more!

This is a choose-your-own style adventure. It’s up to you when to embark on your adventure. It’s up to you how many stops your adventure will include. Just keep in mind that the more items you check off the Quest65 list, the more likely you’ll be to win a great prize at the end! But the real prize is the wonderful experiences you’ll have all summer long with your friends and family enjoying our beautiful rivers. Visit for details on how to play.

“The Quest provides a terrific summertime project for an eight-year old and her parent who’ve both learned a lot about history, the Valley’s natural facts and attractions and more” (Quest65 participant).

Although Quest65 has been running since mid-June, there is ample time left before 10/15 to get out and enjoy some special time on the river this summer and fall.

Folks who sign up for Quest65 from CRC’s website ( will be instructed to download a free app on their Smartphones to begin to play. You’ll choose your own username and password and then begin Questing. The rest is up to you!

Help CRC celebrate 65 years of stewarding the great Connecticut River, keeping it clean and healthy and full of life! If you need more info along the way, visit Happy Questing!

Questers are encouraged to share photos of their Quest on CRC’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages. Tag photos with @CTRiverH2Oshed or #MyCTRiver.

Connecticut River Conservancy is the voice for the Connecticut River watershed, from source to sea. We collaborate with partners across four states to protect and advocate for your rivers and educate and engage communities. We bring people together to prevent pollution, improve habitat, and promote enjoyment of your river and its tributary streams. Healthy rivers support healthy economies.

To learn more about CRC, or to join the effort and help protect our rivers, visit

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