CRC-2018-River Impacts

Financials for fiscal year 2022 are currently pending, the below are for the previous year.

CRC-2018-Income & Expenses


Memberships, Contributions, Bequests: $1,456,845 – 36%

Other Program Revenue: $995,693 – 25%

Grants Awarded: $952,386 – 24%

Land Stewardship, Investment and Interest Income: $518,258 – 13%

Property Rental and Other Earned Income: $68,699 – 2%

Total Income: $3,991,881


Programs: 81%

General/Administrative: 12%

Fundraising: 7%



as of December 31, 2021

Permanently Restricted Endowment: $1,571,893

Board Restricted Endowment: $912,409

Spaulding Pond Fund: $527,964

Thank You!

Thanks to all the member households who were part of CRC in 2022. We are extremely thankful to every member.
Supporters of CRC’s affiliates, DRWA (Deerfield River Watershed Association) and FoRWA (Fort River Watershed Association), are indicated below.

Headwaters Leadership Society members are CRC supporters who give $1,000 or more annually to the annual fund.

▲ Campaign for Our Rivers gift

* Sustaining Members

+ Headwaters Leadership Society Members

Anonymous (46)*+
Richard and Judith Abuza
Ronald Ackerman and Cleo Gorman
Drew Adam▲
Douglas Adams
Harry Adamek
Francis G. Adams, Jr.
Lisa Adler
Steve Aikenhead
Mark Alexander
Gregory Allen
Virginia Allison
Susan Almy
Marianne and Hoyt Alverson
Steven Alves
Joel Alvord and Lisa Schmid
Jim Ambrose
Robert and Louise Amyot
Richard Anderson*
Ashley Anderson
Ingrid Anderson and Debra Diegoli
Martha Andrew
Mark Anson and Robyne Watkin
Angela Anstatt and Robert Power▲
Colin Antaya
Antonacci Family Foundation+
Arthur Apostolou
David Arfa
Peter Armstrong
Alan and Myra Aronow
Gail Aronow
James Arrigoni
Andy Asensio
William Ashley
Scott Ashner
Bruce Atwood
Denise Augusto
Elizabeth Austin*+
Lisa Bacanskas and Silas David
Lee Badgett and Elizabeth Silver
Sterling and Debbie Bain
Anne Baird and Stephen Campbell*
Bill and Kathy Baldasaro+
Harden Ballantine
Lundy Bancroft
Robin Barber and Carol Edelstein
Caroline and Clyde Barbour
Ann E. Barker
James and Georgia Barnhill
Frederick and Susan Baron
James and Jane Barrett
Shelley Barron
Amanda Barrow and Carl Clements
Sam and Marie Bartlett
Lance Bartosz
George Basbas
Heather Bassett
Andrew Batchelor+
Carolyn Bates
Michael Bathory and Maryanne Gallagher
Malden Baudrand
Randall Beach and Jennifer Kaylin
Paul Beaulieu and Karen Hollis
Steven and Lori Beaulieu
Wende and Tim Beck
Denis Belanger
Joe and Carrie Bellavance
James Belt
Colleen Bent*
Alison and April Carter Bent
Nancy and Peter Bent
Catherine and Kate Bentsen
Robert Berens
Iris Berezin
Carie Berg
Alan Berkenwald
Julia and Edward Berman
Carol and Anthony Berner
Garrett Berry
Cathy Bertinuson
Ken Bertsch and Peter Beck
Sarah Betts
Kenneth and Mary Bird
Janet and Robert Bissell
Julie Bjorkman
Amber E. Black
Mark and Deborah Blackman+
Diana Blair
Dana Blakeslee
Sarah Bliss
Peter Blume
David and Marla Bodznick
David Boles and Fran Fassler
John and Corrine Bond
Richard and Barbara Booth
Len and Judy Borsari
William Boucher
Richard Bourgeois
Irena Bozin
Colleen Barr
Susan Brace
Newton C. Brainard
Thomas Bransfield
Brattleboro Sunrise Foundation, Inc
Phillip Brencher+
Judith Bresciano
Lori Brewer
Jean Brewster Giddings
Sharon and Martin Brezner
Bill Bridge
Alison and Stephen Brinkmann Family Fund at the Community Foundation of Middlesex County▲
Kathleen Briscoe
Emily Britton
Kristin Brown and Stuart Close+
Karen and Charles Brown
Stephen and Deborah Brown
Fred and Linda Brownson
Kamala Brush
Richard and Lynn Bryant
Mary Buchanan
Marcy Buckman
Margaret Bullitt-Jonas and Robert Jonas +
Joy Bunnell
John and Lâle Burk
Nathan Burke
Karen and Robert Burnaska
Patrick Burtis
Bradford Burton
Booker and Janet Bush
Henry Butler
Marie and Michael Caduto
Rob and Ann Cairl
Laurie Callahan
Michael Callahan
Dana Campbell
David and Jennifer Campbell
Elaine Campbell
Brett Capshaw and Mark Statchen
Jean Simmons and Paul Carlson
William Carlson
Craig Carr
Margaret Carsley
Peter and Debbie Carter
Sarah Carter
Mark Caruso
Dorothy Carvalho
Leslie and Jim Casey
Christine and Reed Cass
Daniel Cassedy*
Nichole and Alex Castellon
Dr. Theodore Castro-Santos*
Julie Caswell and Richard Rogers+
Andrew J. Caven
Hilary and Jonathan Caws-Elwitt
Bill Chabot
William and Jackie Chapdelaine
John and Janet Chapin
Diana Chaplin
John Chard
Carol Charlton
Andrea Chasen
David Chernock
Kathryn Chevalier
Julia Chevan and Patricia Jung
Richard Chiaramonte and Sally Eberhardt
Ferdene Chin-Yee
Stephen Chiswell
Marlene and John Chmielewski
Rita Christopher and Karen Pompea Poa
James Churchill and Ruth Leiter
Dave and Ann Cioffi
William and Cathy Claflin+
Helen Clark+
Herbert and Sharon Clark
Jay and Debra Clark
Lewis Clark and Kathleen Korstange
Clark Hunter Foundation
Alison Clarkson
Ledge Clayton
Helen Clement
Jerry Clupper and Shirley Dion
Judith Cmero
Lorni Cochran
Nat Cohen
Russell and Ellen Cohen
Susan Cohen
Jacquelyn T. Coleman
Christopher Coley and Diane Suda
Chia Collins and Michael Cohen
Community Foundation of Middlesex County
Tom and Nancy Condon*
Susan and Thomas Condon
Shane and Roselee Conklin
The Connecticut River Conservancy Board of Trustees
Margo and Greg Connors
Charles Conquest and Fay Homan
Frank and Babbie Conroy
James Coogan
Anne Duncan Cooley and Edmond Cooley
Jason Cooper
Lynn Cooper
Ben Copans and Mary Parent
Stuart and Mary Copans
Thomas Cormen
Denise Cormier
Mary Costa Von Deck
Michael Cotto
Bob and Donna Coufal
Watson Coverdale, Jr.
Peter and Susan Craig
Robb and Kari Cramer
Sarah Crawford and Jane Porter
Thomas and Sally Crawford
Mark and Shelly Creager
W. E. Douglas Creed
Aimee Creelman
Frederick Cressman
Gloria Cristelli
The Crooker Family
Frederick and Rebecca Crosby
Candy and Peter Cross
Gary Crossman
Deborah Crowell
Robert Crowner
Jeff Croyle
Sarah Cummings
Colleen Currie and Richard Rubin*
Maria Curtin-McKenna
The Cusanos
Dirk and Kerry Cussler
Cheryl Czuba
Gabriel and Barbara D’Amica
Sloan Danenhower
Betsy D’Angelo
Frank and Diana Daniel
Ann and Evan Darling
Matthew Darrow
Barbara David+
Carolyn Davis
Elizabeth Davis
Karen Davis
Keith Davis
Miranda L. Davis
Paul and Jan Davis Family Fund
Stephen and Suzanne Davis
Beatrice de Bary Heinrichs
Raul and Emilie de Brigard▲
Marjorie DeBold
Christine and Jeffrey DeChristopher
David Deen
Leendert DeJong
Char Delabar
Celine Delaronde
Daniel DeLuca
Corinne Demas and Matthew Roehrig
Charles Demorest
Jim Denham
M. A. Dennehy
Damon DePaolo+
John DeRham
Florence and Peter DeRose
Peter and Ellen DesMeules
Robert and Jennifer Despres
Christine Destrempes
Denise and Richard Deutsch▲
Rodney and Eugenie Devine+
Christopher Diamond and Hallie Hughes
Robin and Ted Diamond
Bonnie Jean Dibelius
Peter and Martha Diebold
Nancy Diessner and Daniel Feldman
Jane Difley
Pamela Diggle
Gale DiLuzio
James and AnnMarie Dina
Michael and Helen DiRusso
Paul Dobosh*
Abigail Dock
Allan Doe
Sarah Doenmez
Robert Dolan
Marialina Dominguez
Rick Doran
Paul A Doscher
Gail Dougherty
Jim and Pamela Dougherty
Dennis Douglas
Mark Driscoll
Rosalyn Driscoll
Amy Dryansky
Robert and Theresa Dryfoos▲
Beth Duguay
Candice Dumas
Leslie Dunham
Aletha and Linda Dunlavy
Virginia and Charles Duryee
Lili Dwight
Chris Dyson
David and Kirsten Eastman
Celeste Echlin and Sam Walker
Paul Eddy and Elizabeth Normen+
Georgia Edmunds
The Edward J Sharr Jr. Foundation
Henry Eggert
Steve Eipper and Shari Weldon
The Eitel Family+
Robin Ekstrom and Mary Quinn
Ruth Elcan and Jill Toler
Peter Eliel and Alison McCall
Chris Ellis
Philip Elmer and Margo Jones
Adria Elskus and Lawrence Leblanc
Peter Elwell and Wendy Harrison
Emily Landecker Foundation+
William and Cathy Emmons
Drew Enamait
Anthony and Elizabeth Enders
Doreen Eng▲
Arline and Joel Epstein
Andrew and Mary Erickson
Joy and William Erickson
Neal and Ronna Erickson
Henry and Aline Euler+
Malcolm Everett and Claudia Lefko
Gerald and Barbara Eves
Gordon Faison and Eleanora Patterson
Margaret and Ken Farabaugh
Alison Farrar
Glenn Farrell
Ned Farrington
Anne Faulkner and Bob King+
Michael Fawcett
Bob Fazzi and Diana Buckley+
Madeline Fazzino
Ed and Trista Fedor
Nancy Felton
Louisa Ferree
Roy Filkoff
Barbara Finlayson
Ed and Joan Finley
Nancy Fischbach
Andrew and Karen Fisk+
Betsy Fisk
William and Diana Fiske
Dr. Cheryl Fitch Vincent
Brian Fitzgerald and Brenda Clarkson
Laura Fitzgerald
Mike Fitzpatrick
Peter Fleischer
Osa and Christopher Flory
David Foley
James and Susan Ford+
Barbara and Jocelyn Ford
Carol Forsythe
Brenda Fortin*
Diane and Thorstein Fossnes+
Floyd Fowler and Julia Chambliss
N Fox
Donna Francis
Sharon Francis
Ethan and Tracy Frankel
Emily Samuels and Richard French
Bridget Freudenberger
Christopher Frey
Rebecca and Thomas Fricke
Paul Friedmann
Friend of the River
Fuller Family Charitable Trust+
Stephen Garanin and Bonnie Parri+
Mary Gard and Paul Cramer
Jeff Gardner and Laurie Irving-Gardner
Leslie Scoutt and Joseph Garner
Wayne Gass
Jamie Gay and Isabel Sutton
Caroline Gear
Judy Geer and Dick Dreissigacker+
Edie and Skip Gengras
Peter and Judith Georg
Stephen Gephard
Fritz Gerhardt
Sally Gerhardt
Ellen and Bill Gertzog
Margo and Mike Ghia
Peter and Christina Gibbons
Richard and Barbara Gibbons
Phil and Julie Gilfeather-Girton*
Beth Gillespie and Carla Cooke
Barry Gilman and Justin Kim
Lee Gilman
Mary and Robert Girard
Paul and Susan Glasscock
Leonard and Nansi Glick
Denise Glover*
Sandy Gmur and Peter Allison
Gregory and Barbara Godbout
Godbout Family Foundation+
Laurie Goldberger and Leslie Kogod
Ginger Goldsbury
D. Good
Amy Gordon
Katherine Goss
David and Margaret Graefe
Ruth Grandy
Emily and David Grant
Tom and Connie Green
Paul and Phyllis Greenberg
Anthony Greenleaf and Catherine Creegan-Greenleaf
Margaret R. Gregg
Shirley Griffin
Clark and Happy Griffiths
Ruth Griggs
Marion Griswold*
Timothy Griswold
Suzy Groden and Constance Emmett*
Gerald Groff
Clifton and Linda Gross
Paul Gross and Peggy Sadler
Donald and Dorothy Grosset
Dora Grover
Andrew and Susan Guswa
Richard Guzowski
Richard and Marcia Haas
David and Sara Hadden
Lois and David Hager
Gail Haines
Tom and Jen Hale
Susan and John Hall
Ann Hallgren
Kellianne Hamburg*
Richard and P.J. Hamel
Samuel Hanford
William and Marsha Harbison+
Laurie Harding and Peter Mason
Susan Harger
Michael Harrington
Leslie Harris and Allison Bell+
Lloyd Harris
Catherine and Philip Harrison
Claudia Hart*
Rick Hart
Carol and David Harvey
Donna and Richard Hawes
Hawkins Family
Thomas and Diana Hayes
The Patrons of Sandra Haynes
Nancy Hazard+
Bridget Healy
Linda Hecker
Daniel and Marilee Hedges
Gary Hedman
Mary and Kim Heisler
Priscilla and John Hellweg
Peggy and Peter Hepler
Heron Foundation
David Herships
Albert Higgins-Chen
Robert Hindle
Charles and Shelby Hines
Pete Hinman
Michael Hoffman*
Karen Hoffman
Kenneth and Janet Hoffman
Kim Hoffman
Anne Holcombe
David and Marcia Holden
Richard Holloway
Joan and J. Holzman
Tom Honigford and Sharon O’Connor
Jennifer Hopkins
Martha Hoppin
Jeffrey Horan
Robert and Carla Horwitz
William Hosley and Christine Ermenc
Susan Howard
Matthew Hudak
David Hughes
Heidi Hull
Kim and Dorothy Hunt
Thomas Hurd
Michael Hussin
Hypertherm Associates HOPE Foundation
Vincent Iannoli
Janet Irving
Bob and Marlynn Jabaily
The Jack and Dorothy Byrne Foundation+
Kerry Jackson
Jennifer Jacobs
Ken and Abby Jaffe
Martin Jaffe
Anne M. Janeway
Dotty Janke
Rita Jaros and Wes Talley
Shawn Jasper
Stephen and Barbara Jendrysik
Suzanne Joffray+
Rick and Kate John
Sarah Johns
Betsy Johnson
Clifton Johnson and Anne Joyce
Omar Johnson and Dr. Rhonda Korol
Nancy Jones
Tom and Suzette Jones
Bonnie and John Jones, Jr.
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Benjamin Jurgens
Cheryl and Jay Kahn
Beatrice Kaplan
Tamara Kaplan and Ken Danford
Erika Kasser
Eric and Judy Kastango
Allan Kauders
Carol and Jeanne Kaufmann
Eric and Sally Kaufmann
Jonah Keane
Tim Keeney
Bradford Keith
Eileen Kelley and Luis Edgar Sabogal
William Kelliher+
J.C. Kellogg Fund of the Community Foundation of New Jersey
Jean and Harry Kendrick
Laura Kent
Richard and Judith Keppelman
Mark Keroack and Ann Errichetti
Bill and Morgan Keyt
Elizabeth Kidder and Thomas Luck
Lawrence Kilgour
Paul and Joyce Killebrew
Jeanne Merola
Susan Kimball and David Hamilton
Harry Bazzaz*
Mark King
Donald and Judy Kinley
Ken Kipen
Tim Kipp and Kathleen Keller
Brian Kirby*
Suzanne and Chet Kitchings+
Erik and Diane Kjeldsen
Geri Kleinman and James Katz
Rosemary and Richard Kofler
Roy Kohnke
Hayley Kolding
Sandra A Kopell
Frederick and Elizabeth Kopper
Paul Kotila
Carol Kotomski
Tom Kovar
Sandra Koziara*
Paul Krawczynski
Roger Kuhns
Jim and Julia Kurose
Corey Kurtz and Uri Strauss*
Lawrence Kuttner
Sarah Labrie
Craig Ladabouche
Jennifer Ladd
Merry Lake
Robert Lally▲
Carolyn Lally
Iris Lam
Ernest Lamountain*
Pat and Tex LaMountain
Luella and George Landis
Peg and Pete Landon
Garth and Shapleigh LaPointe
Lowell Laporte
Thomas Lark
Susan LaScala and Jeffrey Blomstedt
Joseph Laur and Sara Schley
Emily Laus
Louise Law
Dana Lawrence
Sydney Lea and Robin Barone
Michael Leff
Stacey Lennard and Stephen Saxenian*
Helen and Donald Lennon
Neal and Zach Leno
Kirk and Judy Leoni
Peter and Carol Letson
Patricia and Henry Leuchtman
Monica Leverett
Louise Levy
Sam Lewbel
Stephen Lewis*
Timothy and Denise Lewis*
The Lighting Agency
Limerick Charitable Trust
Linda Lindgren
Sally Linowski
Richard Little
Carol Littleton
Living Springs Foundation
Brenda and Stanley Livingston
Adlyn and Ted Loewenthal
Alison Logan
Brian Logan
Anne Lombard+
Karen Lombard
Linda and Richard Lopatka
Deborah Losse
Samuel Lovejoy
Kathleen Lovell+
Alyssa Lovell and Alison Perlo
Jeffrey Shumlin and Evie Lovett
Robert Ludwig
Eric Lundin
Deborah Lee Luskin and Timothy Shafer
Joseph Lux and Margaret Fagan
Patty Lynch
Stephen MacAusland and Anita Schell
Courtney Macdonald
Alan Macgregor
Ben Machin
Kimberly Mack
Ann Mackay
Norman Mackiewicz
Frederick and Susan Mackler
Daniel Madden
Roger Magnus and Ariella Schwell
David Maher
Louise Malcolm
Thomas and Susan Malecky
William and Fidele Malloy
Owen Maloney
Roland Mandler
Ezra Mann
Katie Mann and Jason Hill
Marcy Marchello
Lou Maresca and Ruth Craig
Marion and Ellsworth Grant Fund
Charles Marks*
Allen Marshall and Anne Bickford
Emily Marsters+
David Martel
Ann Martin
Walter Martone and Marc Kimball
Joanne and Michael Masin▲
Shirley Mattfeld
Michael Matty+
Thomas Matulis
Mark Maynard
Carole Donlon McAuliffe
Donna McCallum
Artie McCollum
David and Sally McDermott
David McDonald and Dita Varleta
Sharon, Mark, and Ben McDonald
Joanne and William McGee
Pat Mcgovern
John J. McGuirk and Constance M. Adams
James and Dianne McHutchison
O. Ross McIntyre and Helen Whyte+
Alexander McLane
Peter and Jane Mclaughlin+
Richard McLaughlin
Henry and Anne McNulty
Clifton McPherson
Scott McRae
Karen Meadow*
Mike and Nancy Meagher
James Meigs and Julia Talcott
Patrick Mekrut
Seth W. Mellen
Gregory Melville and Susan Fox+
Lainy Melvin
Dwight H. Merriam
Cordelia Merritt
Susan and Arthur Merrow*
Nicola Metcalf
Thomas and Pasha Metzner
Rob and Nini Meyer
James and Priscilla Michaud
Debra and Charles Mielke
Kenneth and Joyce Mikulski
Louis M. Milardo, Sr. and Gianna Milardo
Laurel and Daniel Millberg
Anne and James Mileski
Ronald Miller and Jackie Fischer+
Alan Miller and Janet Sparrow
John and Bethany Miller
Madeline and Will Miller
Regan Stacey and Jim Miller
Roberta and Barry Kyle Miller
Andrew Milliken and Nancy Winship-Milliken
David Millstone and Sheila Moran
Tom and Elaine Mitchell*
Susan Monks
Christine Montagna
Charles and Mary Louise Montgomery
Hugh Montgomery
Molly Montgomery
Amalie and Robert Montstream
Harriet Mooney
Robert and Diane Moore+
Alan Morgan and Janet Norris*
Meredith Morgan
Warren Morgan
Mary Moriarty
Linda Morley and Robert Paynter
Susan Morrello and Nathan Salwen
Jon Morris
Joshua Morrison
Sandy and Jerry Morrison
Mary Morse Antes and John Antes
Kim and Ian Morton▲
Joan Motyka and Gregory Miller
John Mudge+
James Mudie
Kurt Muller
Adair Mulligan
Alden Murphy
Jessica and Eric Murphy
Molly Murphy
Ted and Caroline Murray
Jeannette Muzima
Dolores Nacewicz
Linda and Peter Narducci and Family
Merry Nasser
Katherine Naughton
David and Kat Nelson
Shawn Nelson
Diane and Jane Nevinsmith
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Cathy Nicastro
John Nicholson*
Anne Marie Niedzwiecki
Barry and Ellen Nigrosh
Howard and Susan Noble
Don Noel
Bernard and Brenda Noonan
Jerome Noonan and Maura Kruse-Noonan
John North
Robert Nussbaum
Randy and Storme Odell
Bill and Darlene O’Donnell
Raymond and Arabella Olander
Charlie Olchowski
Deborah and Michael O’Loughlin+
Rob and Virginia Olson
Peggy O’Neill
Myra Orlen
Chris Osgood
The Osprey Fund
James and Matthew Owen
Katharine Owens
Cori and Rick Packer
Rosemary and Allen Palmer
Sue Ellen and Victor Panitch*
Glenn Paquette
Norman Paradis and Christine Couturier
Henry Parker
Olga and Daniel Parker
Elizabeth Parkinson
James P. Pasciuti
Marion Pascone
Bill Pastuszek and Ellen Smith
Merritt Patridge
Michael Pattavina
Cindy and Rich Patterson
Peter and Elsie Patton
Gregory Paul
Jane Peake
Sira Berte and Brian Pearson
Susan Peck and Jonathan Daen
William Peinhardt
Russell and Jennifer Peotter
Jim Pepper and Judy Salosky
Penelope Petrone
William Phelps
Thomas and Tracy Phillips+
Durrell Pierson
Sonia Morse and John R.  Pierson
Rodrigo Pinto
William Pitkin
Joan Platt
The Michael Plouf and Toni Robinson Charitable Fund+
Ernest and Joan Plummer+
Mark and Judith Pohlman
Daniel and Herrika Poor
Pope Family Giving+
Michael Posner and Carol Owen
Betsy Powell and Paula Pannoni
Devon C. Powers
Gary Powsner and Christy Grecsek
Harold and Frances Pratt+
Dan Pratt
John and Mary Ellen Preston
Jon and Elisabeth Prial
Hilary B Price*
Jean Hoffman Prior
Pritchard Thorpe Family
Matti and Jill Pylkkanen
Debra Querner
Victoria Quill
Brie Quinby and Evan Cowles
Philip Rakowski
Lilian and Katharine Randall
Albert Randzio
Joanna Rapf
David and Nancy Ratner
David Ray
Michael Read
Robert and Wendy Reasenberg Fund
Andrea Reber
Mike Reddig and Susan Conger
Carol Reed
Nicole and Benjamin Reigle*
Cynthia Reik
Christine Reinert
Traci Resler
Carin G. Reynolds and Peter J. Kermond
Betsy and Ron Rhodes
Janice Rhodes
Jean Richards*
James and Susan Richardson
Jean Rioux and Sena Wazer
Cynthia Ripley
John Croll and Dieu-Lien Riquier
Julia Riseman and Nick Horton
Alexandra C. Risley Schroeder
Martha and Dana Robes
Jack Robinson
David and Barbara Roby+
Dianne and Edward Rochford
Dennis and Sue Rochon
Dean and Mary Rogeness
Constance Rokicki
Sue Roman
Thomas G. Ronalter
W. David Rosenmiller and D. Rae Korengold
Kenneth Rosenthal
Keith Ross
Catherine Rossi
Joanne and Peter Roth
Sydney Rowland
Alan Rozycki
Norwood Long and Joanna Rudge Long
Rebecca Rueter
John and Lisa Ruggiero
Ardis Rundlett
Allison Ryan+
Janet and Robert Ryan
Kathryn M. Ryan
Laura and Walter Ryan
Mitchell and Janine Sadoski+
Sarah Flame
Dana Salisbury
Donna Salo
Teresa and Alan Salvaggio
Sam Samuels
Lorraine Sanderson
Priscilla Sands
Michele and Steve Saulis
William Saunders+
Christopher Saunders
Philip and Starr Sayres
Michael Scheffler
Barbara Schomburg
Michael Schorsch
Jeremy Schrauf*+
Joshua Schreier and Maura Danahy Schreier*
Eric Schultz
Ellen Schwartz+
Bruce Schwartz and Kathleen Marie Dugas
Sallie and James Schwartz
Scott and Indigo Schwenk
Suzanne M. Scibilia, Halloran Sage
Scully Family Foundation
John Sears and Jane Myers
Andrea Seaton▲
Ted and Ellen See
Helen Seidler
Kenneth Sek
Carolyn and Fred Sellars
Thomas Senuta and Helen Davenport-Senuta
Rick Sharr and Linda Dutcher
Peter Shea and Suzan Smith*
Edward Shea
Jennifer Shea
Tom and Pat Shearer
Susan Shepherd and David Morse
Greg Shields
Deborah Shriver
Payton Shubrick
Alan Shufelt
Charles Shurcliff
Peter and Anne Silberfarb
Robin Silva
Jennifer Silver
Elizabeth Simmons
Roynn Simmons
John and Wendy Sinton
Mary L Sirum
Jennie Sisler
Runa Skar-Wassermann
Eileen Skowronski
Barbara Skuly and David Hoitt
Betty Slanetz
Phil Slater
David Sleigh*
Nancy Sloan
Mary Edgertin Sloat
Walter and Susan Slowinski
Doug Smith
Judy Smith and Kenyon Fairey
Roberta Smith
Stuart and Jean Smith
Suzanne Smith and Christine Parrish
Thor Smith
Vanessa Smith and Elizabeth Lehman
Starr Snead
Jon Solins
Cynthia Sommer and Andrew Balder
Sandra Sonnichsen
Dorothea Sotiros
David and Ann Southworth
Hal and Carol Sox
Mary Link and William Spademan
Annette Spaulding and Ken Leslie
Robert and Jennifer Spencer
Sarah Spencer
Thomas and Patricia Spencer
Sphagnum P. Moss Fund
Alan and Roz Spier+
Elizabeth Spiess
Sharon Spinelli
Kim and Ken Sprankle
Robert and Lee Sproull▲+
Footprints In The Water, LLC
John and Nomi Stadler
Mike and Mary
Jamie Stall-Ryan
Robert and Melissa Hyde
Phil and Marcia Steckler
Diana B Stein
Jonathan and Kelly Sterling
Bob and Lynne Stern
Dennis and Barbara Stern
E. William and Jane Stetson+
Shelley Steuer and Jeffrey Korff
Bayne and Jeanie Stevenson+
Kevin and Sara Stine▲
Tim Storrow
Frances Stotz
John and Mary Louise Stover+
Mallory Strider
Jay Stryker
David and Cynthia Sullivan
Mitchell and Delphine Sullivan
Constance Sumberg
Charles Sutton
Alan and M.A. Swedlund
Roger and Ann Sweet
Paula Swenson and Bill Nordstrom
Eric and Roshan Swope
Gaye Symington and Chuck Lacy
Helen Symons
Mason Tacke
Rebecca Taddei
Edward and Sally Taiman
Genevieve Talbert
Doug Borchard and Barbara Talcott+
Jane Talcott
Margaret Talcott and L. Scott Scharer
Patricia Taylor
Rebecca and Steve Taylor
Bruce and Gail Tease
Mark Tecca
Kenneth Tedford
Martha Teghtsoonian
Gretchen and Timothy Teran
Paul Terkelsen
Paul Thaler and Linda Batchelor
Jeff Thelen
Kailani Therriault
Richard Thivierge
Chris and Joyce Thoma
Rob T.
Geoff Thompson and Jo Kimball
Kirk Thompson
Tullia Lindsten and Craig Thompson
Lee Thomson
John and Margery Thurber▲
Mark Tigan
David W. Tolli
Sandra and Richard Tombaugh
Karen and Paul Torop
Thomas Trenchard
Nat Tripp and Reeve Lindbergh
Susan and Robert Tucker
Margaret Tuttle
Hillary Twining
Julie and Matthew Tyson
Jennifer Unkles
Frances Uptegrove
Mark Urban
Kathy Urffer and Frederic Noyes*
Dirk Ussler
Melissa Utzinger and Takyua Minami*+
Laura Vachula
Nancy Vagnini
Genevieve Van de Merghel
Roy Van Driesche and Sheila Marks
Tim van Leer
Kris and Katrina van Naerssen
David Van Wie
David Vania and Louise Cox Vania
Frances Vantreese
Andrew J. Vecchio
Jared Vincent Family
Phyllis Vincent and Charles Neff
Robert and Susan Vincent
Eve Vogel
James and Margaret Vohr
Beverley von Kries
Susan and Paul Voss
Sarah Vular
John Wadlegger
David Waldfogel
Todd Walker
Laura Wallingford-Bacon
Denis Walter*
Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Kristen Wands
Bin and Royce Wang
Marvin J. Ward
Robert Ward
Richard Warren
Andrea Wasserman
The WaterWheel Foundation
Barbara Watson and Alan Wallace
Nicholas Webb
Selene and Carl Weber
William and Susanne Webster
Harold Weeks
Jane Beatrice Wegscheider
Meir Weinstein
Kathy and Kenneth Welch
Michael, David, Douglas and Mary Welenc
Knowles Wentworth and Stasia Savasuk
Rae Ann Wentworth-Cadieux and Keith Cadieux
Peter Weston
Curtis and Joyce Weybright*
Albert Whaples
Cathie and James Wheeler
Mark Whelden
Betsy and Tom Whidden
Huntley and Lynne Whitacre
Kathleen White
Nancy B. Whitley
Nicholas Whitman
Jack Widness▲
George Wiedermann
John and Diahann Wilcox
Donna Wiley and Neal Abraham
Mark Wilion
Cheryl and Mo Willems+
Morgan Williams
Staunton Williams
Sydney and Caroline Williams
Timothy Williams
Bob Williford
Phil Wilsey
David and Sheri Wilson
Nancy Wilson and Nicholas Simms
Whitelaw and Margaret Wilson
The Windham Fund
Stuart Winquist
Steve Winters
Michele Wissing
Andrew Wizner and Sheila Houlihan
Joan Wofford+
Lora Wondolowski
Ann Wood
Steven Wood
Andrew Woodcock
Jim and Kate Woodworth
Paul Woodworth and Family
Melvin Woody
Peter and Andrea Woolston
Peter Wrabel
Sandy Wright*
Jonathan and Margaret Kelsey Wright
Sonya Wulff and Scott Gray
Doug Yates and Cynthia Cohen
Victoria and David Yolen
Paul and Arlene Young
Heather and Robert Zavod
Marilynn Zeller and Ned James
Nicole Wright
Peter Zimmerman

Deerfield River Watershed Association

Deerfield River Watershed Association is an affiliate under fiscal sponsorship of Connecticut River Conservancy and a dedicated regional partner.

Adam’s Donuts
Animal Crackers, Inc.
David Arfa
Christopher Bathurst
Laurie Boosahda
Marlene Borer and Ron Roberts
Joseph Buggy
Jack Chorske
City of Greenfield Public Works Department
Clarkdale Fruit Farms
Lorni Cochran
Michael Cole
Barbara W. Considine
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Ann Kerlin Conyngham
Conyngham Family Charitable Foundation
Paul and Leslie Cooper
Christopher Curtis
Mary Ann Dalton
David Deen
Dorothy DeGeorges
Christine Duerring
Peter and Cynthia Ellis
Paul Fassler
Richard and Susan Flye
Foster’s Supermarket
Franklin Community Cooperative, Inc.
Polly French
Bruce Hart and Ilene Goldstein
Marie-Francoise Hatte
Kathryn Hayes
Hoosic River Watershed Association
William Hurd
Ken Kipen
Garry Krinsky
Anne Larsen
Michael Leff
Mackin Construction Co.
Jorie MacLeod and Jim Bonham
Patrick McCoy
Betsy and Patrick McGreevy
Dana and Pauline McNay
Mesa Verde
Ursula Nadolny and Timm Harris
New Fortune
Penny and Mike Novack
Charlie Olchowski
Thaddeus Olchowski
The People’s Pint
Jim Perry
Jim Picardi
Piper Sandler Companies
Cornelia and Wallis Reid
Shelburne Falls Coffee Roasters
Nicola and Cullen Shipman
Davenport Smith
Elizabeth Sonnenberg and Erica Wheeler
Subway Restaurants
Eve Vogel
Anthony and Gisela Walker
Richard Warner
Eileen and Robin Wood

Fort River Watershed Association

Fort River Watershed Association is an affiliate under fiscal sponsorship of Connecticut River Conservancy and a dedicated regional partner.

Glen and Clare Bertrand
Bernard and Sybil Ann Brennan
Jimmy Byun and Margaret Sawyer Byun
Will Daniels
Elizabeth Davis
Juliana and Carol Dupre
Kenneth and Janet Hoffman
Boyd and Janice Kynard
Andy MacDonald
Roger Magnus and Ariella Schwell
Jane and Sandy Mairs
Johanna Neumann
Bruce Stedman
Adrienne and Anthony Terrizzi
Brian Yellen and Marcelia Muehlke

Business Supporters & Sponsors

Local and regional businesses support CRC in a variety of ways from making generous donations towards our mission to helping fund events such as NEPC Riverfest in the summer and our annual Source to Sea Cleanup in the fall. To learn more, contact Brett Morrison, Associate Director of Development, at 413-772-2020 ext.218 or

AAA Northeast
AFI Furnishings
Agawam Eye Associates, Inc.
All American Waste
Allagash Brewing Company
American Heritage River Commission
Aquarion Water Company
The Arbors at Greenfield
Ashuelot River Hydro, Inc.
Berkley and Veller Inc
Berkshire Blanket and Home Co.
Black River Action Team
Bob and Son Floor Sanding, Inc.
Brattleboro Area Realty
Brattleboro Food Co-op
Brattleboro Savings and Loan
CDM Inc.
Charles Pratt and Company, LLC
Chester Land Trust
Connecticut River Gateway Commission
Docko Inc.
Enterprise Holdings
Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut
Essex Land Trust
Evergreen Country Gardeners
Eversource Energy
Four Rivers Charter School
Franklin Community Cooperative, Inc.
Freestone Vintage Tackle
Great Meadows Conservation Trust, Inc.
Great River Hydro
Greenfield Savings Bank
Griswold Middle School
GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.
Horst Engineering and Mfg. Co.
Integrated Solar
Jamrog HVAC
Kuhn Riddle Architects
NorthStar Vermont Yankee Decommissioning
Park Place Financial Advisors
PeoplesBank Employees
Petzold Marine Center
Pioneer Valley Yacht Club, Inc.
Prentiss Smith and Co.
Raytheon Matching Gift Program
Redcliffe Canoe Club
Reed and Reed
Reynolds’ Boats
The Richards Group
Saint-Gauden’s Memorial
Savings Bank of Walpole
Scantic River Watershed Association
Stave Puzzles, Inc.
SumCo Eco-Contracting
SWCA Environmental Consultants
TOMRA of North America, Inc.
Town Of Canaan, NH
Travelers Community Connections Matching Gifts Program
Trout Unlimited – Greater Upper Valley Chapter
USA Waste and Recycling
USG Foundation
VT Canoe Touring Center
Watersheds United Vermont, Inc.
Western Massachusetts Kayak Polo Club
Wright Builders

In-Kind Supporters

In-kind supporters play an important role in contributing to the progress, efficiency, and success of our work. By donating services, time, resources, materials, expertise, food, promotion or other gifts, in-kind supporters truly elevate the impact of our collective efforts.

169 Marlboro Road, LLC
American Rivers
Antonio’s II Pizza & Grinders
Baker’s General Store
Big Y Foods, Inc.
Black Sheep Deli
Brattleboro Department of Public Works
Casella Transfer Station Holyoke
Charlemont Department of Public Works
Chicopee Department of Planning & Development
City Of Lebanon NH Department of Public Works
City of Northampton, Department of Public Works
Cold Spring Orchard
Connecticut River Museum
Daniel Goepp
Darn Tough
Dunkin Donuts
East Hartford Parks and Recreation
Ernest and Joan Plummer
Essex Fire Department
FirstLight Power
Four Phantom’s Brewery
Friends of Reusable Bags Committee
Great River Outfitters
Holyoke Department of Public Works
Home Depot – Greenfield
Keney Park Sustainability Project
Montague Department of Public Works
Ocean Conservancy International Coastal Cleanup
Panera Bread
PV Squared Solar
Real Pickles
Ryan and Casey Liquors
Sam’s Outfitters
Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge
Springfield Department of Public Works
Tapestry Health Systems
The Wagon Wheel
Town of Amherst
Town of Hartland
Town of Hinsdale DPW
Town of Norwich
Town of South Hadley – Planning and Conservation
Town of Thetford
Triple T Trucking
USA Waste & Recycling
Windham Solid Waste Management District

Long River Society

As long as there are rivers, they will be threatened with pollution and over-use. Long River Society members make legacy gifts to ensure there will be resources available to protect the Connecticut River and our region’s waters for future generations. To learn more or to join, contact Brett Morrison, Associate Director of Development, at 413-772-2020 ext.218 or


Anonymous (3)
Karen Alexander 
Alan and Myra Aronow 
Lucy Atkinson* 
Elizabeth Austin 
Theodore Bacon* 
Jack Broome* 
William and Linda Caval 
Maria Ferreira 
Ellsworth Grant* 
Suzy Groden and Constance Emmett 
Astrid Hanzalek*
Leslie Harris and Allison Bell
Daniel Hopkins
Linda Huebner and Star Drooker
Katharine Lange
Christine LeBel and Mark Page
Edwin Lepper*
Robert Ludwig
David Maher
Tom and Elaine Mitchell
Sally (and Michael*) Newbold
Jim and Linda Okun
Gary Oleson and Francine Ness*
Gary Powsner and Christy Grecsek
Bernard Raimo
William Saunders
John and Wendy Sinton
Judith Souweine
Charles Steffens*
Brewster Sturtevant*
Jane (and Hooker*) Talcott
Humphrey and Susan Tyler

Did we get your name wrong? Please let us know so we can make it right.