Memberships, Contributions, Bequests: $1,411,289
Grants Awarded: $1,186,899
Property Rental and Other Earned Income: $250,080
Land Stewardship: $10,682
Investment and Interest Income, less unrealized gain (loss): $106,403
Special Events: $562
Total Income: $2,965,915
Programs: $1,845,456
General/Administrative: $261,072
Fundraising: $279,056
Total Expenses: $2,385,584
Net Assets Beginning of Year: $3,630,884
Net Assets End of Year: $4,211,215
Board Restricted Endowment: $297,066
Mary Shaub Fund: $1,239,516
Annuities: $101
Spaulding Pond Fund: $452,821
Total Endowments: $1,989,504
In Memoriam
In a tragic year, we mourn the loss of the many members of our river community who passed away.
Our condolences to all who lost loved ones. May the river be a source of healing.
Thank you
to all the member households who were part of CRC in 2020. We are extremely thankful to every member.
Supporters of CRC’s affiliates, DRWA (Deerfield River Watershed Association) and FoRWA (Fort River Watershed Association), are indicated below.
Headwaters Leadership Society members are CRC supporters who give $1,000 or more annually.
* Sustaining Members (monthly)
+ Headwater’s Leadership Society members
Anonymous⁺ (6)
Anonymous (31)
Anonymous (DRWA) (2)
Anonymous (FoRWA)
Hayat Abuza
Richard and Judith Abuza
Jeanne Achille
Ronald Ackerman and Cleo Gorman
Andrew Adam and Marcia Olander
Gary Adams
Francis Adams
Lisa Adler
Agawam Eye Associates, Inc.
John Ajamie M.D.
All American Waste
Anthony Allen
Harvey Allen
Virginia Allison
Susan Almy
Joel Alvord
Mark Anson and Robyne Watkin
Antonacci Family Foundation⁺
Arthur Apostolou
Aquarion Water Company
Ann Armon and Leonard Huber
Peter Armstrong
Rosemary and Francis Arnold
Alan and Myra Aronow
Gail Aronow
James Arrigoni
William Ashley
Ashuelot River Hydro, Inc.
Atlantic Furniture, Inc.
Bruce Atwood
Charles and Judith Atwood
Jessica Atwood
Elizabeth and Steve Austin*⁺
Margaret Babbott
Frederick Bacon and Laura Wallingford-Bacon
Lee Badgett and Elizabeth Silver
Anne Baird and Stephen Campbell*
Gene Baker
Larry Baker
Roberta Baker
Bill and Kathy Baldasaro⁺
Harden and Jeanne Ballantine
Brooks Ballenger
Larry and Patti Bandolin⁺
Phil and Mary Ellen Banks (DRWA)
Caroline and Clyde Barbour
Barr Foundation
James and Jane Barrett
Amanda Barrow and Carl Clements
Donald and Kathleen Bartlett
Mary Bartlett (DRWA)
Sam and Marie Bartlett (DRWA)
George and Nancy Basbas
Barbara Bates
Carolyn Bates
Dennis and Peter Bathory
Michael Bathory and Maryanne Gallagher
The Bathory-Peeler Quartet
Deborah Bazer
Paul Beaulieu and Karen Hollis
Brian and Cynthia Beglin
Grady Behrens
Max Belding⁺
Allison Bell and Leslie Harris
Joe and Carrie Bellavance
Rochelle Bellin (FoRWA)
The Benjamin Company
Robert and Colleen Bent*
Anne and Peter Bent
Amy Beresky
Iris Berezin
Alan Berkenwald
Misti and Shay Berry
Cathy Bertinuson and Jon Oltman
Glen and Clare Bertrand
Kenneth Bertsch and Peter Beck⁺
Beveridge Foundation
Beyond Green Construction
Big Y Foods, Inc.
Kenneth and Mary Bird
Amber Black
Diana Blair
Elizabeth Blauner
Drew Blicharz
Sarah and Vernon Bliss
Blue Earth Compost
David and Marla Bodznick
Masako Bogin (DRWA)*
David Boles, Fran Fassler and Family (DRWA)
John and Corky Bond
Laurie Boosahda
Doug Borchard and Barbara Talcott⁺
Marlene Borer and Ron Roberts (DRWA)
Keith and Karen Borgstrom
Borough of Fenwick
Len and Judy Borsari
William Boucher
Mary Bourdon
Glenn and Jane Bowles
Susan Brace
Ann Bramson
Brattleboro Food Coop
Gary Braun
Phil Brencher
Kathie Breuninger
Lori Brewer
Sharon and Martin Brezner
Gary Briere
Stephen and Alison Brinkmann⁺
Lorraine Brisson
Brookfield Renewable Energy Group
Jo and Kevin Brooks
John Brothers
Deborah Brower*
Karen and Charles Brown
Kristin Brown and Stuart Close
Stephen and Deborah Brown
Jacob Brownell
Ken and Peggy Brownell
Fred and Linda Brownson
David and Monique Brule
April Brumson
Kamala Brush
Lewis and Betsy Bryden⁺
Gehrig Brynda
Margaret Bullitt-Jonas and Robert Jonas⁺
Henry Burke
Chris Burr*
Booker and Janet Bush
Harry and Nancy Byrd
Jimmy Byun and Margaret Sawyer (FoRWA)
Marie and Michael Caduto
Elaine Campbell
Elisa Campbell (FoRWA)
Johnstone and Sandra Campbell
Gregory Cangialosi and Deborah Ploof
Anne Cann
Ben Canonica
Justine Cantrell
Brett Capshaw and Mark Statchen
Captain Morgan’s Boat Training & Charters, LLC
Richard Carlo
Richard and Susan Carlson
Jack and Amy Carlton
Tom Carmody
Craig Carr
Lisa Carter
Peter and Debbie Carter
Casella Waste Systems, Inc.
Leslie and Jim Casey*
Christine and Reed Cass
Julie Caswell and Richard Rogers
CDM Smith, Inc.
Angela and Kevin Chaffee
Karen Chaffee
Sara Chaffee
Bill and Jackie Chapdelaine
John and Janet Chapin
Robert and Jan Chapman
Annie Chappell
John Chard
Charles Pratt & Company, LLC⁺
Carol Charlton
Chase Clarke Stewart & Fontana
Edward III and Eleanor Chase
Monie Chase
Bill Chester
Mary Chicoine and Glen Ayers*
Stuart R. Chipkin
William and Pam Christensen
Chroma Technology
James Churchill and Ruth Leiter
Robert Chutter
David and Ann Cioffi
Tim and Cathy Claflin
Clark Hunter Foundation
Helen Clark⁺
Herbert and Sharon Clark
Lewis Clark and Kathleen Korstange
Clean Yield Asset Management
Jerry Clupper and Shirley Dion
Judith Cmero
Jock and Lorni Cochran (DRWA)
Elena Cohen
Karen Cole (DRWA)
Michael Cole (DRWA)
Arianna Collins
Community Foundation for Greater New Haven
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Tom and Nancy Condon
Conklin Office Furniture
Connecticut River Gateway Commission
Connecticut Society for Women Environmental Professionals
Connecticut Valley Garden Club
Margaret and Greg Connors
Conservation Law Foundation
Michele Cooke (FoRWA)
Brian and Judy Cooper
Jason Cooper
Lynn Kleissler Cooper
Ronnie Copeland and Kathryn Holmes
William Corbett
Denise Cormier
Judy Cotton
Kathryn Coulombe
Council On Soil and Water Conservation
Country Gardeners of Glastonbury
Arthur Cranshaw
Sarah Crawford and Jane Porter
Thomas and Sally Crawford
Frances R Cress
Frederick Cressman
Gloria Cristelli
William and Jill Crooker
Frederick and Rebecca Crosby
Candy and Peter Cross
Gary Crossman
Jeff Croyle
Don and Melody Currey
Colleen Currie*
Christopher Curtis (DRWA)
Ingrid Curtis
Cheryl Czuba
Isaac Damon
Frances Dance
Sloan Danenhower
Frank Daniel
William Daniels (FoRWA)
Michael and Regina Dantuono
Ann and Evan Darling
Matt Darrow
Helen Davenport-Senuta and Thomas Senuta
Barbara O. David⁺
Carolyn Davis
Elizabeth Davis
Ethel Davis
Jeff Davis (DRWA)
Keith Davis
Paul and Jan Davis
Stephen and Suzanne Davis
Steven Dayno
The Dayton Foundation
Beatrice de Bary Heinrichs
Raul and Emilie de Brigard⁺
Christine and Jeffrey DeChristopher
Sarah K. de Coizart Article TENTH Perpetual Charitable Trust
David and Allison Deen
Gary Delia
Daniel DeLuca*
Corinne Demas and Matthew Roehrig
Bill and Marie DeMilia
Brita Dempsey
Mary Alice and Philip Dennehy
Damon DePaolo
John DeRham
Peter and Ellen DesMeules
Robert and Jennifer Despres
Rodney and Eugenie Devine
Christopher Diamond and Hallie Hughes
Bonnie Jean Dibelius
Peter and Martha Diebold
Nancy Diessner
Jim and Annmarie Dina
Diane Dix
Paul A. Dobosh*
Martin Dodd
Sarah Doenmez
Doherty, Wallace, Pillsbury & Murphy, P.C.
Robert Dolan (FoRWA)
Donaldson Family
Maureen Donlon
Harold Drabkin
Robert and Theresa Dryfoos⁺
Dubois & King
Tina DuBosque
Charles and Mary Dudek
Shirley Dudley
Michael Duffy
Candy Dumas
Anne Connington and Leslie Connington Dunham⁺
Thomas Dunlap
Juliana Dupre (FoRWA)
Neftali Duran*⁺
Cat D. (DRWA)
Jane and Warren Dyke
Michael and Jill Dynia
Henry Dziekan
David and Kirsten Eastman
Meggin and Donovan Eastman
The Edward J Sharr Jr. Foundation
Stephen Eipper and Shari Weldon
Danel and Christopher Eitel
Robin Ekstrom and Mary Quinn
Ruth Elcan and Jill Toler
Peter Eliel and Alison McCall
Peter and Cynthia Ellis (DRWA)
Philip Elmer-DeWitt
Adria Elskus and Lawrence Leblanc
Vicki Elson
Elinor Ellsworth
Peter Elwell and Wendy Harrison
Emily Landecker Foundation Inc.⁺
Drew Enamait
Anthony and Elizabeth Enders
Enfield Conservation Commission
Brett Engstrom and Betsy Brigham
David Erhart
Andrew and Mary Erickson
William and Joy Erickson
Neal and Ronna Erickson
Frederick Errington and Deborah Gewertz
Essex Land Trust
Henry and Aline Euler⁺
Malcolm Everett and Claudia Lefko
Eversource Energy
Gordon Faison and Eleanora Patterson
Peggy and Ken Farabaugh
Sharon and Roxana Farmer
Audrey Farnum
Alison Farrar
Glenn Farrell
Thomas Farrell and Lucinda Gilligan
Anne Faulkner and Bob King⁺
Charles and Charlotte Faulkner
Tyler Feeney*
Fenwick Improvement Fund, Inc.
Jeffrey Feldmann
James and Eileen Felice
Louisa Ferree
Robert Fiedler
The Field Club of Longmeadow, Inc.
Nancy Fischbach
Andy and Karen Fisk⁺
William and Diana Fiske
Brian Fitzgerald and Brenda Clarkson
Peter Fleischer
Osa and Christopher Flory
David Foley
James J and Susan Ford⁺
Carol Forsythe
Melody Foti
Floyd Fowler and Julia Chambliss
Wendy Foxmyn (DRWA)
Frank Gerrity Charitable Trust
Linda and David Frankel⁺
Franklin Community Cooperative, Inc.
Rodney and Ginny Frelinghuysen
Patrick and Patsy French
Polly French
Richard French and Emily Samuels
Christopher Frey
Jeanne Friedman and Carol-Ann Smalley
Fuller Family Charitable Trust
Maureen Gaherty
James Gallagher
Robert J. Galonski
Stephen Garanin and Bonnie Parri⁺
Peter Garbus and Katy Robbins
Garden Club of Orange
Jeff and Laurie Gardner⁺
Joseph Garner⁺
Bob Gay
Julia Geer and Dick Dreissigacker⁺
William Gefell
Edith and Clayton Gengras
Peter and Judith Georg
Steve Gephard
Don Gerber
Sally Gerhardt
James and Melissa Gerrity⁺
Margo and Michael Ghia
Peter and Christina Gibbons
Robert and Peg Giles
Phil and Julie Gilfeather-Girton*
Tom, Megan & Aengus Gillespie in honor of John & M
Sarah and Benjamin Gilson
Deborah Girard
David Glassberg and Lisa Kent
Leonard and Nansi Glick
Susanae Glovacki
Denise Glover*
Sandy Gmur
Arthur and Elizabeth Godbout Family Foundation Inc
Gregory and Barbara Godbout
Laurie Goldberger
Lynn M. Goldfarb
Steve and Kathy Goldman
Meg and Mariano Gonzalez
Wendy Goodman
Ronald H. Goodrow
Amy Gordon
Paul Gorecki and Sheila Hayes (DRWA)
Katherine Goss
David and Margaret Graefe
Ruth Grandy
Beverly Gray
Gail Gray
Great Meadows Conservation Trust, Inc.
Great River Hydro, LLC
Tom Green
Paul and Phyllis Greenberg
Greenfield Cooperative Bank (DRWA)
Greenfield Savings Bank (DRWA)
Margaret Gregg
Nathan Gridley
Clark and Happy Griffiths
Alfred and Sally Griggs
Evan Griswold and Emily Fisher
Marion B Griswold*
Timothy Griswold
Suzy Groden and Constance Emmett*
Peter Grose and Ruth Nye
Frederick Grossberg
Donald and Dorothy Grosset
William and Dora Grover
Edward Gullo
The Guswa Family
Richard Guzowski
Sarah Gworek
Richard and Marcia Haas
Elizabeth Haff
Gail Haines
Tom and Jen Hale
Chuck and Elaine Hallett
Ann Lee Hallstein
Kellianne Hamburg*
Richard and P.J. Hamel
Sebastian and Jamie Hammer
Evan Hammond
Hildegarde Hannum
Astrid Hanzalek⁺
William and Marsha Harbison⁺
Janet Harclerode
Lenore Hardy
Susan Hardy
David Harfst and Verena Wiedemann-Harfst⁺
Kristin Harris
Ronald and Nina Harris⁺
Chris and Kerry Hart
Peggy Hart
Richard Hart III
Hartford Foundation For Public Giving
David Harvey
Marie-Francoise Hatte (DRWA)
Benjamin Havener*
Nancy and Tim Haviland⁺
Hawkins Family, Claremont, NH⁺
Bob Haxby
Thomas and Diana Hayes
Nancy Hazard⁺
Mary Jo and Kim Heisler
John and Priscilla Hellweg
Sophia Hermann
David and Katharine Hewitt⁺
Linda Hickman
Albert Higgins-Chen*
High Meadows Fund
John and Marcia Hincks
Robert Hindle
Charles and Shelby Hines
Janet and Ken Hoffman
Anne Holcombe
David and Marcia Holden
Holyoke Gas & Electric
Joseph Homer and Jennifer Batt
Tom Honigford and Sharon O’Connor
Jennifer Hopkins
Martha Hoppin
Jeffrey Horan
Horst Engineering & Mfg. Co.
Mark Horwitz
Carla Horwitz
Emily Howard and Curtis Ogden (FoRWA)
Scott Howard (FoRWA)
Susie Howard
John Hubbard
Linda Huebner and Star Drooker
Kim and Dorothy Hunt
William Hurd, Jr. (DRWA)⁺
Robert Hyde and Melissa Stearns Hyde
Patricia Hynes
Hypertherm HOPE Foundation
Robert and Mariet Jaarsma
Robert and Marlynn Jabaily
Paul Jablon
Scott Jackson (DRWA)
Paul Jacobson
Kenneth and Abigail Jaffe
Martin Jaffe
Anne Janeway
Dotty Janke
Rita Jaros and Wes Talley (DRWA)
Shawn Jasper
Julie from JKB Consulting
Sue Joffray⁺
John T. and Jane A. Wiederhold Foundation
Omar Johnson and Dr. Rhonda Korol
Elizabeth Jones
Margo Jones
Nancy Jones
Thomas and Suzette Jones
Samuel and Patricia Starr Jones IV
Gerald Judge⁺
Ralph and Louise Kadden
Margaret Kahn
McKinzie and Paul Kandel
Beatrice Kaplan
Eric and Judy Kastango*
Kari Kastango⁺
Kathryn Murray-Phyllis McDowell Family Fund
Alan Katz and Pauline Bassett
Jonah Keane (DRWA)
Lori and Daniel Kearney
Shirley Keech
Tim and Mary Keeney
Christopher Keever
Bradford Keith*
William Kelliher⁺
Sheila Kelliher (DRWA)
C. Kellogg Foundation of the Community Foundation of NJ⁺
Elliott Kelly
Harry and Jean Kendrick
Larry Kennett
Mark Keroack and Ann Errichetti
Jim Kessler and Sara Cohen
Tom and Nancy Ketcham
Elizabeth Kidder and Thomas Luck
Jean Kiewel
Paul and Joyce Killebrew
John Killian
King Arthur Baking Company
David King and Joan Milam*
Ken and Ethel Kipen (DRWA)
Harrington Kipp and Kathleen Keller
Brian Kirby
Sandra and Ronald Kistner
Kitchings Family Foundation⁺
Suzanne and Chet Kitchings⁺
Erik and Diane Kjeldsen
Geri Kleinman and James Katz
Amy Kleppner
Mike Kline
Calvin and Ellen Knights
Richard and Rosemary Kofler
Roy Kohnke
Linda and Silas Kopf
Frederick and Elizabeth Kopper
Louis Kornet
Lou Kornet
Paul M. Kotila Ph.D.
Ron Kovanic
Tom Kovar
Paul Krawczynski
Joseph and Rhona Kristan*
Bernard Kubiak (FoRWA)
Stephen and Suzanne Kulik (DRWA)
Christina Kuralt
Corey Kurtz and Uri Strauss (FoRWA)*
Lawrence Kuttner
Boyd and Janice Kynard
Jennifer Ladd
Carolyn Lally
Iris Lam
Ernest Lamountain*
Patricia and Tex LaMountain
Luella and George Landis
Ruth and Debra Lane
Clement and Joan Lanza (DRWA)
Lowell Laporte
Diane LaRoche
Emily Laus
Winston and Margaret Lavallee
Marianne (Mazen) Lazarus
Leo and Theresa Le Bel
Carola Lea
Sydney Lea and Robin Barone
Lester Lebatique
Peter and Julie LeBlanc
Michael and Leslie Leff
Julie and James LeGrand*
Stephen Saxenian and Stacey Lennard*
Helen and Donald Lennon
Richard Lennon⁺
Joanne Leone and Lynn Forrest
Peter and Carol Letson
Henry and Patricia Leuchtman
Stephen Lewis*
Timothy and Denise Lewis*
Jed Liebert (FoRWA)
Janet Lieson
Suzanne and Harvey Lijek
Limerick Charitable Trust⁺
Linda Lindgren
Lintilhac Foundation
William and Jennifer Lipfert
Diana Lischer-Goodband
Jane Litchfield
Richard Little (DRWA)
Living Springs Foundation
Danielle and John Lochhead
Adlyn and Dr. Ted Loewenthal
Anne Lombard⁺
Karen Lombard and David Chase
Norwood and Joanna Long
Linda and Richard Lopatka
Parker and Diana Lord
Louis F. & Mary A. Tagliatela Foundation
Kathy Lovell
Lynn Lovell and John Darrow
Evelyn Lovett and Jeffrey Shumlin
Bob Ludwig
Deborah Luskin and Timothy Shafer
William Luther
Martin D. Lydgate-Driggs
Lindy Lyman and Charles Potts
Lynde Point Land Trust
Steve MacAusland and Anita Schell
Sandy MacGregor
Grace and Ben Machin
Renee MacKay
Cate MacKinnon and Dan Alden
Jeff Mackler
Grant Magee
Roger Magnus and Ariella Schwell (FoRWA)
David Maher
Margot and Ed Malachowski
Louise Malcolm
DeWitt and Vera Mallary
William and Fidele Malloy
Sandra Mann
Steven and Michele Marantz
Terry and Rosanne Marcantonio
Marcy Marchello
Marion and Ellsworth Grant Fund
Brian Markey
Charles Marks*
Virginia Cretella Mars Foundation
Allen Marshall and Anne Bickford
Emily Marsters (FoRWA)⁺
David Martel
Carol Martin
David Martin
James and Ann Martin⁺
Walter Martone and Marc Kimball
Mascoma Watershed Conservation Council
Michael and Joanne Masin⁺
Kate Mason*
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Dave Mast
Christopher Mastroianni
Eric Maurer
Dale Maynard
Susan Mayne
Carole Donlon McAuliffe
Donna and Andrew McCallum
Anna Jennifer McCann
Artie McCollum
Patrick McCoy (DRWA)
Mark McCullock and Chelsea Petereit*
Sally McDermott
David McDonald and Florence Varleta
Joanne and William McGee
Patricia Mcgovern
Betsy and Patrick McGreevy (DRWA)
Thomas McHenry
James and Dianne McHutchison
Ross McIntyre and Helen Whyte⁺
Mark and Sarah McKusick
Alexander McLane
Molly McMillan
Clifton McPherson and Elizabeth Freedman
Michael and Nancy Meagher
David and Nancy Mears⁺
Benjamin Medoff (DRWA)
James Meigs and Julia Talcott
Gregory Melville and Susan Fox⁺
Lainy Melvin
The Meno Lissauer Foundation Inc.
Dwight Merriam
Cordelia Merritt
Arthur and Susan Merrow*
Brian and Lois Merry
Timothy Mertic
Luke Meyer
Robert and Nini Meyer*
Alan Miller and Janet Sparrow
Joanie Miller
Barry and Roberta Miller
Melissa and Birch Miller
Ronald Miller⁺
Will and Madeline Miller
Donald Millerbend
Susan Millinger
David Millstone and Sheila Moran
Milone & MacBroom/SLR
Thomas and Elaine Mitchell*
Susan Monks
Charles and Mary Louise Montgomery
Amalie and Robert Montstream
Harriet Mooney
Robert and Diane Moore⁺
Jeffrey and Hilarie Moore
Jennifer Rose Moore
Scott Moore
Alan Morgan and Janet Norris*
Mary Moriarty
Linda Morley and Robert Paynter
Jon Morris and Pam Frost
Peter and Peggy Morse
Richard B. Morse (FoRWA)
Elizabeth Moser
Melissa Mostowy
Joan Motyka and Gregory Miller
John Mudge⁺
Nathan and Janice D. Mulherin
Alden Murphy*
Eric and Jessica Murphy
Ted and Caroline Murray
Joanna Nadeau
Ursula Nadolny and Timm Harris (DRWA)
Nasdaq (DRWA)
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
The Nature Conservancy
Katherine Naughton
Richard and Debbie Neely
Mary Nelen
David and Katharine Nelson
Johanna Neumann (FoRWA)
Michael and Sally Newbold
New Chapter, Inc.
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Andrea Newman and Jonathan Shefftz
Lisa Newman (DRWA)
Sally Newton
Emily Nichols
Jerome Noonan and Maura Kruse-Noonan
Northeast Solar
Penny and Michael Novack (DRWA)
Mickey Nowak and Maureen O’Sullivan
Robert Nussbaum
Melissa Ocana and Ezra Markowitz
Randy and Storme Odell
Darlene and Bill O’Donnell
Deborah Oeky (DRWA)
James and Linda Okun
Raymond and Arabella Olander
Thaddeus Olchowski (DRWA)
John Olender*
Gary Oleson and Francine Ness⁺
Stephen Olshewski
Peggy O’Neill
George Ostler and Paula Duprat
Robert Palmer
Victor and Sue Ellen Panitch
Glenn Paquette*
Norman Paradis and Christine Couturier
Daniel and Olga Parker
Lance Parker III
Jim Parkins
Cindy and Rich Patterson⁺
Peter and Elsie Patton
Gregory Paul⁺
Rose Paul
Susan Peck and Jonathan Daen
Russell Peotter
Eric and Francine Pera
Anne and David Perkins
Jim Perry (DRWA)
Michael C Phillips⁺
Thomas and Tracy Phillips⁺
Morey Phippen and Brian Adams⁺
Nancy Pick
Anne B. Pierson, MD
John and Sonia Pierson
Pioneer Valley Yacht Club, Inc.
Russ Pirkot
Joan Platt
Ernest and Joan Plummer
Eric Pohlman
Mark and Judith Pohlman
Ronald Poltak
Daniel and Herrika Poor
Lewis and Sally Popper
Michael Posner and Carol Owen
Devon Powers
Harold and Frances Pratt⁺
Donald and Lois Prescott
Judith Preston
Hilary Price
Princeton Hydro
Pritchard Thorpe Family*
Jarek Przybyla (FoRWA)
Robert and Arney Pulford⁺
Putnam Foundation
Katherine Putnam and Timothy Delaney⁺
PV Squared Solar
Matti and Jill Pylkkanen
Debbie Querner
Brie Quinby and Evan Cowles
Craig Raabe
Katya Raffensperger*
Stewart and Dorothy Read
Andrea Reber
Redcliffe Canoe Club
Carol Reed
Sarah Reeves
Anthony Reiber
Cornelia and Wallis Reid (DRWA)*
Timothy Relyea and Lee-Ellen Strawn
Reynolds’ Boats and Reynolds’ Subaru
Janice Rhodes
Ron and Elizabeth Rhodes
Richard P. Garmany Fund at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
Jean Richards⁺
Robert Richardson
John Croll and Dieu-Lien Riquier*
Julia Riseman and Nicholas Horton
David and Barbara Roby⁺
Dianne and Edward Rochford
Dennis and Sue Rochon
Rockfall Foundation
Rocky Hill Congregational Church
Paul Rodrigue
Dean and Mary Rogeness
Nancy Rogers
Pete and Sophie Rogers
Constance Rokicki
Karen Rosenbaum and Janice Jorgensen
Richard Rosencrans
David Rosenmiller and D. Rae Korengold
Laura Rosenthal
Keith Ross
Catherine Rossi
Alan Rozycki
Eliza Rudegeair
Barbara J. Ruhe
Ardis Rundlett
Robert Russell
Mitchell and Janine Sadoski⁺
Saint-Gauden’s Memorial
Dana Salisbury
Peter Samal
Dennis Sanchez
Sandra Sanderson
Priscilla Sands
Carrie Santore
Herbert Satterwhite
Michele and Steve Saulis*
William Saunders⁺
Christopher Saunders
Save the Sound
Savings Bank of Walpole
Philip and Starr Sayres
Linda Schmidt
Anne and Steve Schmitt
Eva Schocken and Kerry Dietz⁺
Julie Schoelzel
Jeremy Schrauf
Ellen Schwartz
Scully Family Foundation
Edmund and Ellen See
Kenneth Sek
Nancy Sevrens and Charles Davey
Jonathan and Beverly Seymour
Rick Sharr
Edward Shea
Peter Shea and Suzan Smith*
Lucy and Dwight Shepard
David Morse and Susan Shepherd
Nicola and Cullen Shipman (DRWA)
Richard and Barbara Shriver
Payton Shubrick
Alfred Siano (DRWA)
Brander Sieber
Peter and Anne Silberfarb
Robin Silva
Norman H. Sims
John and Wendy Sinton⁺
Mary Sirum
Scott and Joann Skiba
Jane Skofield
Barbara Skroback
Barbara Skuly
Betty Slanetz
Brian and Janet Slater
Stuart and Jean Smith
Suzanne M. Smith
Laurence and Laura Smith
Thor Smith
Todd Smith and Jennifer Sutton
Starr Snead
Joyce Snyder
Jon Solins
The Solstice Trust
Cynthia Sommer and Andrew Balder
Liz Sonnenberg and Erica Kranish (DRWA)
Edward Sopneski
Southern Windsor County Regional Planning Commission
Judith Souweine
Harold and Carol Sox
Richard Spadoni
Annette Spaulding
Sarah Spencer
Thomas and Patricia Spencer
Robert and Diann Speth
Sphagnum P. Moss Fund
Alan and Roz Spier⁺
Elizabeth Spiess
Ken and Kim Sprankle
Evan Spring
Bob and Lee Sproull⁺
Paul Stacey
John and Nomi Stadler
Stainless Source of New England, Inc
Clinton and Joseph Standart
State of Vermont
Philip and Marcia Steckler
Bruce Stedman (FoRWA)
J April Stein
Diana and Otto Stein
Jonathan and Kelly Sterling
Robert and Lynne Stern
Dennis and Barbara Stern
William and Jane Stetson⁺
Mallory Strider*
Strolling of the Heifers, Inc.
Brewster Sturtevant⁺
David and Cindy Sullivan
Constance Sumberg
Brian Summer
Sunflower Rays Philanthropy Fund
Dan Surdyka (FoRWA)
Sustainable Connecticut
SWCA Environmental Consultants
Alan and M.A. Swedlund
Roger and Ann Sweet
Lynn Swezey
Eric and Roshan Swope
Gaye Symington and Chuck Lacy
Hooker Talcott Jr.⁺
Tall Timber Lodge
Kenneth Tedford
Martha Teghtsoonian
Karen Tenney and Thomas Loring
Gretchen and Timothy Teran
Paul Thaler and Linda Batchelor
Julie and Sprague Theobald
Loren Theodore⁺
Barbara Thibeault
Chris and Joyce Thoma
Alice Thomas
Robert and Lori Thomas
Craig Thompson and Tullia Lindsten⁺
Laura Timmerman and Robin Creamer (DRWA)
David W Tolli
Sandra and Richard Tombaugh
TOMRA of North America, Inc.
Karen and Paul Torop
Jonathan Tower
Town of East Windsor, CT
Amy Tran
Rose Tran
Travelers Community Connections
Trout Unlimited – Connecticut River Valley Chapter 450
Trout Unlimited – Greater Upper Valley Chapter
Sarah Tsang (FoRWA)
Rebecca W. Tucker
Susan and Robert Tucker
Jennifer Tufts and Gary Rucker
Thomas and Sandra Tunstall
Margaret Tuttle
Hillary Twining
Humphrey and Susan Tyler⁺
Julie and Matthew Tyson
Melinda Underwood
United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley
Frances Uptegrove
USA Hauling & Recycling
US Fish and Wildlife Service
USGS S.O. Conte Anadromous Fish Research Center
Ivan Ussach
Melissa Utzinger*
Laura Vachula*
Robert and Lauren Valyou
Roy Van Driesche and Sheila Marks
Patricia Van Order and Guy McLain
Jesse and Melissa Vanek
Fran Van Treese
Genevieve Veilleux-Menard
Vermont Community Foundation
Cheryl Vincent
Eve Vogel (DRWA)
Laura and Barry Vogel
Jim and Margaret Vohr
Beverley von Kries
Katie Clark Waddell
John Wadlegger Sr.
Tom and Lynn Wahle
David Waldfogel
Anthony and Gisela Walker (DRWA)
Mary Clare Powell and Violet Walker
Milton and Caroline Walters
Roseanne Walunas
Rachel Wang
Marvin Ward
Sandra N Ward
Richard Warner (DRWA)
SBW Foundation⁺
Andrea Wasserman
Watersheds United Vermont, Inc.
Richard and Susan Watson
William and Susanne Webster⁺
Pete and Ree Webster
Ellen Weeks (DRWA)
Hal Weeks
Virginia Weimer and Lance Hodes
Carol Weingeist
Kathy Welch
Wells Fargo Advisors LLC
Wells Fargo Foundation
Alexander Emanuel Wenger
Lee and Carol West
West Hill Energy and Computing, Inc.
Westfield River Watershed Association
Peter Weston
Curtis and Joyce Weybright
Catherine and James Wheeler
Mark Whelden
Betsy and Tom Whidden
Alan and Alice White
Carol and David White
Laura White
Marty and Elaine White
Nancy B. Whitley*
Joannah Whitney
John and Michaelanne Widness
Bruce and Greta Wilcox
John Wilcox
Mark Wilion
Cheryl and Mo Willems⁺
Margaret Willey
Bonnie Willgoos
Staunton Williams
Sydney and Caroline Williams
Dena Willmore and Martha Thurber
Douglas Wilson and Prudence Berry (DRWA)
Katrina Wilson
Nancy Wilson and Nicholas Simms
Windham Regional Commission
Mark Wineburg
Stuart Winquist
James Winslow, J.D.
Steven Winters
Andrew Wizner and Sheila Houlihan
David Wojcik
Robert Wolfe
Lora Wondolowski*
Ann Wood
Eileen Wood (DRWA)
Steve Wood
Walter Woodward
Jim and Kate Woodworth
Marguerite Woodworth and Bill Seefeld
Melvin Woody
Peter and Andrea Woolston
Arthur and Joan Wright
Jonathan and Margaret Kelsey Wright
Sandy Wright*
Sonya Wulff and Scott Gray
Brian Yellen and Marcelia Muehlke (FoRWA) (DRWA)
Victoria and David Yolen
Paul and Arlene Young
Your Choice Brands LLC/Jeff’s Granola
Dr Joseph Zaientz
Christopher Zappala and Lisa Kuneman
Heather and Robert Zavod
Peter Zimmerman
Regina Ziurys
Penny Zuk McKinnon
Long River Society
As long as there are rivers, they will be threatened with pollution and over-use. Long River Society members make legacy gifts to ensure there will be resources available to protect the Connecticut River and our region’s waters for future generations. To learn more or to join, contact Brett Morrison, Associate Director of Development, at 413-772-2020 ext.218 or